
Monday, April 18, 2011

Nonsense - don't read

My routine.. wake up early in the morning > go town > breakfast> reach shop > open lappy, on fb > lunch > dinner > bck home.and sometimes need to fetch my sis to/from tuition. Its only the third day that i'm home and im dying because of boredom. i miss my friends D: not with my kt friends here :( I miss mamak session the most! Crap like we used to.but last sem was not that fun compared with lastx2 sem.. Last sem was filled with stress and sometimes i din really enjoy much. Boo~ No stress no stress. Fun time !

1. eat eat eat =目 eat the food that i wish to eat long long time like
  - Hothot . its a must !
  - Panmee ( i ate today morning Wohoo)
  - Bak kut teh but its homemade one. chicken -__- 
2. Yamcha with friends. 
   But there nobody is here.. so sad. just left few cats here
3. Haircut! (and hair treatment perhaps )
   my bang long like 贞子dy.. Nonono~ i dowan to looks like her ! 
4. Exercise
    since that im so lazy to wake up EARLY in the morning to jog, so Badminton is the one.         
    even if i want to jog, there is nobody to accompany i think ! got la, my mum.i jogged 
    with her ytd noon. 1st time in my life :P
5. develop photos
    we have alotsa nice pic recently. time to change pic in my purse! :P and i bliv after the 
    malacca trip, more pixies will be taken. make sure your cameras are fully charged peeps 

Since that i so free at home, i keep finding old chinese songs to listen tehee. wondering?Chinese songs? yep, i did&do listen to chinese songs, nt much. Chinese songs are like.. too soft. all emo emo one.sometimes i cant stand the fondness!I prefer strong rhythm, but yea i cant deny some are really nice :D i like Mayday, DT blabla. i need some songs, introduce me please :)
and i hope the outing is on ! miss the time with u babe!we can chitchat whole day long♥ 
if nt, i still got a backup plan ! luckily pipi is back early too, anyone ?? join us? :D

enough with the nonsense. Ahhhh~ next sem is worst.. Can i don't think about it first?? I need to get my brain n body a break. i haven arrange my timetable,don even check it  :/ cause i don feel wan to.
I hate...... 



  1. Opps.. Nana, dont so stress during sem break! Relax jak.. :)I`m going back soon soon soon to meet you guys.. :D
    Btw, am I a nonsense girl as I read this nonsense post? xD

  2. Yes you are !! mmg,u monsense girl :P

  3. ><" I`m a normal, super normal girl. manade nonsense? :p
    ciao baybeh! Dont stress, we go badminton next sem! XD

  4. haha! I will back earlier too. XD
    see you shuxin! miss you guys badly :(
    yep, badminton next sem! :D

  5. Yayyy ! what date will u bck ivy? ya, badmt kay ? :))
