
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy or not to be?

Yeahhh, finally finish FINAL but i did mistakes and .. idk. my bio suckssss D:
so emo lor.. but at the same time, the outing with friends was just so fun . Enjoy the moment with u guys. =) TONS OF PICTURES were taken. ya i mean tons ! 400+ but some are blur / taken twice. uploading it at fb but the line sucks + the photos are 8MP/12MP one. big size. and im feeling so so so tired. like after the final, so relaxing... but just cant slp bcz my hair is still wet. and 4am breakfast later with the monkeys at Mcd. HAHAHA. we're mad!
and i think the monkeys are slping, cz we are all real tired ! n left me still blogging here and uploading photos n left my luggage unpack! :P i miss my home. Oh yeah~ going bck ltr!!!! excited



  1. what?! Monkeys?! @@ you are taking pictures with monkeys eh!! ><" anyway, I miss you guys so much!!!

  2. Yepp! we all are monjey kay? HAHA.yaya miss everyone :(
