
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good day?

Yepp. think so. algebra was... ok? i scare there are some mistakes that i didn't realize. i did the paper quite fast and so i started to question myself. izit some ques that i missed? or i did something wrongly? why am i so fast? like SUPER FAST! whn gheeghee came out for toilet i already done =___= but then i checked with my friends. hope today is really a good day for me. a one last chance. don grab it from me please :(
Woots! my wall bcum pinky with the edit frm my sis camera :D
this is how my table get whn it comes to final, usually it even worst ! HAHA. nobody goin to show ppl how messy they are except from me i guess

Pasar mlm today. happy happy =D yes, today is wednesday. again! so fast. after the bio, gonna go back on sat. Wohooo~ i miss my lovely bed. freaking tired ! there is some sort of event or whatsoever down there right now. so noisyyyy. i din notice jz nw? :/ n i met a lenglui frm kt too ;D
Okay, btw. ivy introduce me her adorable friend who i'm gonna take Accounting Practice with her next sem.nice to meet you, An gel. another angel :)

YAYYY! a lil more freedom. nt vy much though.
im gonna take many many photos with ya all this fri // sing k. WOHOO! :D gonna enjoy my time with u all :))  cant wait for the malacca trip ;DD
bath n sleep n k bio.. Boringgg~  


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