
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I wanted to blog yesterday. but there was failure to connect started from 3+pm.. i was like . what the .... i just wanted to start blogging -.- I have nothing important to blog about though :P 
What i did in these days? Huh! you do not know! i just on9 and go out buy some stuff LOL ( actually i spent many $ since i came back) AND THE WEATHER IS DARN HOT !! like u could even put an egg on the road and after that it is broiled and u can eat ! y  my friends' place were raining?? so unfair :'( Okay, i din open air-cond these days (except when im driving bcz outside there is so hot can kill ! ) so let it rain here please earth..
These days outings with friends were brimming over with laughters.HAHA. but it is still pretty boring yet last night is super hilarious!!!! XD i'll still LOL when i recall of it. im a lil scare of outing tonight if we're still playing the same game. hahaha

I hate my timetable, the stupid CE get denied and i gotta add this subject again during Add/ Drop period and i have to pay more money for this damn subject and the time is still CLASH even if it is approved. both lecture and tutorial ! wth ?! and clash with my friends' this is making me furious. shit da bian tahi ! there are just a few days left to go back to the shitty place.. so sad. but i have nothing to do at here either. damn boring  I HATE SEM3 !!

and if there are really something happened between you two.. Uhm, i've seen how he behave. but still, look before you leap sis 
photo  from HJ story 
and i like the caption.
love is 2 people rowing the same boat, where if you want to reach a destination both people have to work together, if 2 people work against each other, the boat will go no where. If only one person does all the work, eventually they’ll be exhausted :D

I hope the outing with u girls is on.. YA, i really do hope.. really truly verily devotedly cause i dont think there is any other chances :C pweaseee~~~

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