
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Im so full right now, jz finish 2 bowls of Laksa  i love my homemade laksa, it is not like the one sold outside, but i just lovin' it M we go out every night like kisiao and im so tired now. Idk why would i but im just TIRED. our saturday plan call off !!! cz my parents need to go back to Kb and i gotta look after shop for whole day long on Saturday !No, starts from tomorrow :( OhNoooo~ but something happened, no one wouldn't want. I feel sorry about that. but its the last day im here and..Ahhh~ i miss my friends. so sad that I cant have class with them on the coming sem !! D: Misfortunes never come singly.
kampung feel HAHA
Yesterday when my mum was using my lappy to watch her linedance video, i lay on the rocking chair and suddenly feel the view outside the window is so nice . AM so gonna miss Kt, even its boring here =)

Can people die from boredom? cause if can i think i will be the first !! INDEED. imma jump until the world upside down just to have fun..wth what example is that? idk! fine, im abnormal. Cant someone just spam my wall or whatever? Okay. i would not able to see that when its dark / tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow. so, don't spam my wall.text me then :D im nt going to reply perhaps. So what the heck can I do in this 2 more days before i back?! 

What else to do/buy/eat before going back? Hmm...


  1. I would be the second one after you. :p
    Soon, the holiday is coming to an end, and we gonna go back to KL! :(
    Dont sad even if our class isnt the same. We still can meet! :p

  2. Im really sad because of that !! :(( Haih.

  3. i more cham ~~ think also no nid to think ~~ huhu T.T
