
Friday, April 29, 2011

so fast?

Time flies..omg i just left two more days here. gonna back to the horrible place soon. so soon.. :(  with the empty room without roomate. Aghh boring again! D: and i got TWO PIMPLES! it torturing me,super pain. when was the last time since i gt pimples? i don even rmb ! this one is super pain.. same goes to the second Grrrrr.
 nose and another on my cute cheek. HAHAH PAIN

cause of pressure ? menstrual disorder.. or what? LOL

my mum said its cause of the late sleep. izit? nw i only realize i slept not before 12 since i came back! 2,3am. 1 am is the earliest -.- i should take more rest.. regret T.T 
wonder why i can online today? its friday ! i shouldnt have be at shop right now but i sent my mum to bus station this morning and my sis to ttn jz nw. babysitter i am ! and i gotta open the shop all by myself tmr. not AGAIN =( so ill be here waiting for my sis ttn is finish and get her and come back shop wait for her outing until ends tonight. while waiting for ma friends to call me.. hot hot? ohno, im in town right now :( 
so tmr i gotta sit in the shop and pestered by a bunch of questions :| while my friends are gonna go out whole day with god n bibi present ! so unfair !! hope ma parents come back earlierrrrrrr.

am so anxious about ma result. like FREAKING WORRY, i dont wanna get a C for bio. please pleaseeeee. its troubling me!!! So for those who are going back too, did u pack ? actually i still havent. dont feel like going back! :( 
How about the songs? okay?? Sorry if u find it irritating, u can just close it :|
am going to beautysalon Buai 


  1. Dont worry about your pimples. I do have alot. =.=" Anyway, they will go away one day! XD
    about that you hav to look after the shop, you are a good girl! :p
    and about result?! stupid ucXi. School reopen soon yet the result haven come out. ><"
    oh, btw, i haven pack my things too. I dont feel like going back too. =x very sien.. haha!

  2. Ya !i jz bck frm salon, they gt my pimples BURST. haha. paiinnnn~~
    Ahh, super boring to c shop whole day long -.-
    im so scare my result a.. i must be the worst among u all SH*T T_T
