
Sunday, April 17, 2011


Woots. finally !!! 
feeling good to be home. so relaxing~~ i love my home, my bed, my family my everything. and im eating keropok right now. Buahahah. for those who haven come bck, don envy :P u're going home soon too. All the best ! 
I've been talking about the outing after final right.

this is shooo cute :)

Thanks ah kiat for stealing sky's iPhone to capture here n there.hehe

in my opinion, Shogun wasn't that nice as what u see in these photos. Opps =x
it cost me Rm60 for this T_T and before that we went sing k. we were too hungry that we ate at Neway and then i cant take any food into my stomach already . Wuuu~ n whn i reach home, im hungry. rugi lahhh. we were suppose to go to Jogoya one :'(  
1u shogun

nice photo! :D  there are many, idk which to put
farewell.! :'( he's not going to study at ucsi anymore. maybe?

looks like we're abandoning ivy HAHA

Nop we're not. *Hugs* =) blurry pic

i started to miss u all already !! :(( nevermind, looking forward for the malacca trip ! WOHOOO :DD

i need a haircut badly.. and for my roomie,All the best in ur last paper ;D

Okay, this post is just all about the pictures LOL :P
Ciao. gonna enjoy my movie 


  1. LOL abandoning me, nola! hehehe!!
    hais,start to miss you all already.. keep talking the story of u guys with mom yesterday. :D
    nvm,MELAKA!!imma comming!!!

  2. u told ur mum ? :)) miss us? hehe. miss ya too baby! i wanna go malacca right nowww ! ;D

  3. BabeS, few more weeks, we are gonna meet each other and go for Malacca trip!!! Yuuuhoooo!!~ Miss ya.. :D

  4. yaya!! told mom miss you all!! haha so sweet!
    look for MELAKA now!!! :)

  5. haha!!! Melaka !!! wohoo~!! tak sabar ni!!

  6. Yayaa ! Excited nih. think about it everyday XD

  7. y dont blogger also come out a LIke button~~ if got , i sure like 100!
