
Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Why is everything and anything been sooo irritating. =SS
FINALYYYYYYYYYYYYY! sorry but i have to do so. I DONE MY LAB REPORT. the day before exam == whatever ! as long as i done bcz of someone -.-' Final is so damn near, just tmr. TMR? WHAT? cz i don't looks like the one who gon to have final exam tmr right? i knw, 4gv me. this is who i am.. Blaaa~ wait a minute! but i did study ok. Next sem i have the MOSTSTUPIDSHITTYSUBJECTS all together. im sooo dead. Thus, gon to make my cgpa for these 2sems higher. i cant phail it !can i? please.... i knw what u're gon to say. 'GO STUDY NOW LA. STILL BLOGGING. RIGHT? =,=
msmsmsmsmsmms . here i come. gonna eat u >:)

mean u can try next time? NO, doesn't mean u can try to piss me off. u don't wish to. trust me XD
starts to stress dy. *a day b4 the exam jz feel the stress :/  HAHA* CIAO

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