
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Goodbye Kt

The very last day at kt.. Okay, today was busy like hell. luckily lil sis is so suai lui today ! :P hehe. take turns with a shift system. haha. too bad peek cant join us tonight =(
Am in tired-can-sleep mode right now. dozing off while waiting the boys , i think they're dota-ing ==
Tonight is gonna be a long long night. Hahaha.but i'll have many hours to sleep on bus tmr.
Ahh, goin to back tmr. sien nehh... finally i finish pack.

i'll miss the prank calls XDDD 

waiting for lemon.. Bye Kuala Terengganu :'(

Friday, April 29, 2011


Hi, me again. since i got nothing to do. so, its blog time again. 
So ya, i jz back frm salon. ohshit, they gt my pimples burst D: and i used to have like some oil particles(idk what it should called -.-) around my eyes.i got it poked. Ahhh~ painnnn T_T  well,its gone now.
fyi, my home doesn't has internet, just my shop has. since i have like tons of movies/dramas but i din when the night come, its movie timee! LOL. i finished up two movies last night. 厕所女神 & 3 idiots. both are awesome films. * and both are old movies HAHA * both are so touching and i cried like a baby. Oh-Em-Gee cant believe right? haha. yah, im the type of girl who cries when watch movies XD shhhh. both are so nice and touching make me cant stop from watching it until 2.30am (3 idiots is 2 and 3/4 hours). and today i woke up with the seriously-swollen eyes HAHA like O.O 
厕所女神 .a japanese movie. must watch :)
such a lovely girl right? :))
when she grows up. pretty lady 
3 idiots is actually an indian movie. i bet most of u heard it right?

this movie is hilarious
yeah, dancing is a must! HAHA

funny funny. recommended =)
Okay. i checked my result. SUCKS. nobody to blame. i knw its my fault, SADDDDDDDDDDDD to max. :'(

so fast?

Time flies..omg i just left two more days here. gonna back to the horrible place soon. so soon.. :(  with the empty room without roomate. Aghh boring again! D: and i got TWO PIMPLES! it torturing me,super pain. when was the last time since i gt pimples? i don even rmb ! this one is super pain.. same goes to the second Grrrrr.
 nose and another on my cute cheek. HAHAH PAIN

cause of pressure ? menstrual disorder.. or what? LOL

my mum said its cause of the late sleep. izit? nw i only realize i slept not before 12 since i came back! 2,3am. 1 am is the earliest -.- i should take more rest.. regret T.T 
wonder why i can online today? its friday ! i shouldnt have be at shop right now but i sent my mum to bus station this morning and my sis to ttn jz nw. babysitter i am ! and i gotta open the shop all by myself tmr. not AGAIN =( so ill be here waiting for my sis ttn is finish and get her and come back shop wait for her outing until ends tonight. while waiting for ma friends to call me.. hot hot? ohno, im in town right now :( 
so tmr i gotta sit in the shop and pestered by a bunch of questions :| while my friends are gonna go out whole day with god n bibi present ! so unfair !! hope ma parents come back earlierrrrrrr.

am so anxious about ma result. like FREAKING WORRY, i dont wanna get a C for bio. please pleaseeeee. its troubling me!!! So for those who are going back too, did u pack ? actually i still havent. dont feel like going back! :( 
How about the songs? okay?? Sorry if u find it irritating, u can just close it :|
am going to beautysalon Buai 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Im so full right now, jz finish 2 bowls of Laksa  i love my homemade laksa, it is not like the one sold outside, but i just lovin' it M we go out every night like kisiao and im so tired now. Idk why would i but im just TIRED. our saturday plan call off !!! cz my parents need to go back to Kb and i gotta look after shop for whole day long on Saturday !No, starts from tomorrow :( OhNoooo~ but something happened, no one wouldn't want. I feel sorry about that. but its the last day im here and..Ahhh~ i miss my friends. so sad that I cant have class with them on the coming sem !! D: Misfortunes never come singly.
kampung feel HAHA
Yesterday when my mum was using my lappy to watch her linedance video, i lay on the rocking chair and suddenly feel the view outside the window is so nice . AM so gonna miss Kt, even its boring here =)

Can people die from boredom? cause if can i think i will be the first !! INDEED. imma jump until the world upside down just to have fun..wth what example is that? idk! fine, im abnormal. Cant someone just spam my wall or whatever? Okay. i would not able to see that when its dark / tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow. so, don't spam my wall.text me then :D im nt going to reply perhaps. So what the heck can I do in this 2 more days before i back?! 

What else to do/buy/eat before going back? Hmm...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I wanted to blog yesterday. but there was failure to connect started from 3+pm.. i was like . what the .... i just wanted to start blogging -.- I have nothing important to blog about though :P 
What i did in these days? Huh! you do not know! i just on9 and go out buy some stuff LOL ( actually i spent many $ since i came back) AND THE WEATHER IS DARN HOT !! like u could even put an egg on the road and after that it is broiled and u can eat ! y  my friends' place were raining?? so unfair :'( Okay, i din open air-cond these days (except when im driving bcz outside there is so hot can kill ! ) so let it rain here please earth..
These days outings with friends were brimming over with laughters.HAHA. but it is still pretty boring yet last night is super hilarious!!!! XD i'll still LOL when i recall of it. im a lil scare of outing tonight if we're still playing the same game. hahaha

I hate my timetable, the stupid CE get denied and i gotta add this subject again during Add/ Drop period and i have to pay more money for this damn subject and the time is still CLASH even if it is approved. both lecture and tutorial ! wth ?! and clash with my friends' this is making me furious. shit da bian tahi ! there are just a few days left to go back to the shitty place.. so sad. but i have nothing to do at here either. damn boring  I HATE SEM3 !!

and if there are really something happened between you two.. Uhm, i've seen how he behave. but still, look before you leap sis 
photo  from HJ story 
and i like the caption.
love is 2 people rowing the same boat, where if you want to reach a destination both people have to work together, if 2 people work against each other, the boat will go no where. If only one person does all the work, eventually they’ll be exhausted :D

I hope the outing with u girls is on.. YA, i really do hope.. really truly verily devotedly cause i dont think there is any other chances :C pweaseee~~~

Saturday, April 23, 2011

KualaTerengganu i ♥

I'm a freak. but feeling good right now, cz im blogging and feeling normal.u get me? haha ! din on9 for one day and im uncomfortable with it. HAHA.feel like isolated.. :/ yes this is what i always feel. i will try to on9 wherever if i can. even there's ntg on fb. 
Tc with my friends make me feel GREAT ! im loving it. hehe. as im a silly person, i found it that my kt friends are wuliao. and so are my kl friends ! maybe its because wuliao person just get to know wuliao friends? that's how we can communicate well right?? HAHAHAH. ya i mean u all! =PP yea so yc with friends thurs night n ytd night. we just keep crapping and chui sui. but i had fun! hahah. ayam panggang, brothers.. LMAO
Let the photos speak..

Oops, sowiee. my hp is crappy. yes i knew! :(
look at lemon's face, look very shy oooo! :$ HAHAHAHAHAHA
PEOPLE, CALM DOWN.It was only a bet. we were playing card at A&w. believe it or not?lol i drove out from manir to batu burok n we tc n played card ! =.=  i knw its stupid but better than staying in my hse like a bird n keep watching drama. i could even finish a drama whole day long in hse doing nothing with no internet. ( but then i just found out that i have Secret Garden until epi13 only ! T_T DAMN )

Teng cant take it ! hahahahahahah. he took a long time to take this photo. EPICCC MAN! okay. and we need to treat this lemon a meal today T_T what?! i dont wanna goooo ~ nehh :P

ok i have nothin to blog anymore, just waiting ma friends to on9 thn we can SPAM AGAIN ! >:) hiak hiak.. today recipe- Ayam Percilk WOHOOO! ;D

its time to think about anything to do/bring before going bck right? :/ BORING~ 

有时候,放下会是更好的选择 是吧?我试着
忘了它吧,忘掉它 !!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Why cant i download songs recently ?!?! >:(  chinese songs/ english songs!DAMMIT argh
Im super duper boring at home. dono what to do. Finally, tonight go yamcha. Pancake pancake, here i come. ohya! i still havent wat Chuankee chicken rice !! will find someday to go b4 bck, MUST ! haha. 
And now,my bang become really retarded n looks like helmet ! ohshyt. regret 100.looks real weird. and i got a super big pimple at my nose SHYT. pain pain T_T Retribution? LOL!
and i went to develop the chosen photos just now, i think there must be some misunderstand between us, fine. the extra photos will be given to friends then :/

Ahh, feeling so lifeless at home! save me anyone? don feel to watch drama, i scare i cant stop. HAHA so i dig the movies that store in my hardisk for like dono how long to watch.i just watched Ice kacang puppy love(like finally LOL )我切掉 ~~  HAHA, n Black Swan last night.
its a American psychological thriller film by Natalie Portman and bla bla. she's awesome man !and pretty. but this film is abit creepy, ya. its a psycho movie. the movie is all about the main character- Nina ,she cant take the character, pressure from the guy making her 
insane and at last she died, just like the white swan. she had hallucination. i think so? HAHA Mila Kunis is hot btw :P
white swan Vs black swan
No need to think about what movie to watch today. might be home late? :p
think about it tomorrow, whole day free ! no car use lagi. BORING ! D;

Boy I think about it every night, and day
I'm addicted, want to jump inside your love
I wouldn't want to have it any other, way
]I'm addicted, and I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough.. 

p/s: Its just a song kay ! 

Oops, seem that I just became a beetch :/ 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


人真的很矛盾。在吉隆坡的时候想回家,在家里我快闷得发慌了 D: 谁来救救我啊~~~ 陪我讲废话咧 ! 哈哈哈。不过在家里还挺享受的,妈每天问我想吃什么。一一列出来,我把一整个礼拜都说出来了。哈哈!今天终于吃了肉骨茶,明天吃虾 ^^ 后天,大后天,都想好了。早餐也都想了 XD 原谅我。我真的太开心了 呵呵 n_n 什么烦恼都没啦
这是昨晚的,对。我很自恋啦 ! :P  
p/s: 我也爱我的房间 LOL !

有点后悔剪了刘海,奇怪耶! == 我不想放那照片了。应该把它留长,成熟点,对吗?: / 要看照片的自己去面子书看。哈哈 

决定忘了它 ;DD 这样生活快乐点吧?
p/s:我是在说别的事情,不是在说。拜托 = =
不想再想也不要. get a life


一些事情,发生了就是发生了。。将永远烙印在你的心里。 打死我吧  >:(
怎么到了夜晚都想些有的没的。头脑都快要爆炸了!Arghhhh 我不要再想了!!我是不是闲着没事做啊 .我的妈呀.不想再重蹈覆辙 !!! 算了吧

一切都将化成灰烬 。 或许。。

Monday, April 18, 2011

Nonsense - don't read

My routine.. wake up early in the morning > go town > breakfast> reach shop > open lappy, on fb > lunch > dinner > bck home.and sometimes need to fetch my sis to/from tuition. Its only the third day that i'm home and im dying because of boredom. i miss my friends D: not with my kt friends here :( I miss mamak session the most! Crap like we used to.but last sem was not that fun compared with lastx2 sem.. Last sem was filled with stress and sometimes i din really enjoy much. Boo~ No stress no stress. Fun time !

1. eat eat eat =目 eat the food that i wish to eat long long time like
  - Hothot . its a must !
  - Panmee ( i ate today morning Wohoo)
  - Bak kut teh but its homemade one. chicken -__- 
2. Yamcha with friends. 
   But there nobody is here.. so sad. just left few cats here
3. Haircut! (and hair treatment perhaps )
   my bang long like 贞子dy.. Nonono~ i dowan to looks like her ! 
4. Exercise
    since that im so lazy to wake up EARLY in the morning to jog, so Badminton is the one.         
    even if i want to jog, there is nobody to accompany i think ! got la, my mum.i jogged 
    with her ytd noon. 1st time in my life :P
5. develop photos
    we have alotsa nice pic recently. time to change pic in my purse! :P and i bliv after the 
    malacca trip, more pixies will be taken. make sure your cameras are fully charged peeps 

Since that i so free at home, i keep finding old chinese songs to listen tehee. wondering?Chinese songs? yep, i did&do listen to chinese songs, nt much. Chinese songs are like.. too soft. all emo emo one.sometimes i cant stand the fondness!I prefer strong rhythm, but yea i cant deny some are really nice :D i like Mayday, DT blabla. i need some songs, introduce me please :)
and i hope the outing is on ! miss the time with u babe!we can chitchat whole day long♥ 
if nt, i still got a backup plan ! luckily pipi is back early too, anyone ?? join us? :D

enough with the nonsense. Ahhhh~ next sem is worst.. Can i don't think about it first?? I need to get my brain n body a break. i haven arrange my timetable,don even check it  :/ cause i don feel wan to.
I hate...... 


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Woots. finally !!! 
feeling good to be home. so relaxing~~ i love my home, my bed, my family my everything. and im eating keropok right now. Buahahah. for those who haven come bck, don envy :P u're going home soon too. All the best ! 
I've been talking about the outing after final right.

this is shooo cute :)

Thanks ah kiat for stealing sky's iPhone to capture here n there.hehe

in my opinion, Shogun wasn't that nice as what u see in these photos. Opps =x
it cost me Rm60 for this T_T and before that we went sing k. we were too hungry that we ate at Neway and then i cant take any food into my stomach already . Wuuu~ n whn i reach home, im hungry. rugi lahhh. we were suppose to go to Jogoya one :'(  
1u shogun

nice photo! :D  there are many, idk which to put
farewell.! :'( he's not going to study at ucsi anymore. maybe?

looks like we're abandoning ivy HAHA

Nop we're not. *Hugs* =) blurry pic

i started to miss u all already !! :(( nevermind, looking forward for the malacca trip ! WOHOOO :DD

i need a haircut badly.. and for my roomie,All the best in ur last paper ;D

Okay, this post is just all about the pictures LOL :P
Ciao. gonna enjoy my movie 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy or not to be?

Yeahhh, finally finish FINAL but i did mistakes and .. idk. my bio suckssss D:
so emo lor.. but at the same time, the outing with friends was just so fun . Enjoy the moment with u guys. =) TONS OF PICTURES were taken. ya i mean tons ! 400+ but some are blur / taken twice. uploading it at fb but the line sucks + the photos are 8MP/12MP one. big size. and im feeling so so so tired. like after the final, so relaxing... but just cant slp bcz my hair is still wet. and 4am breakfast later with the monkeys at Mcd. HAHAHA. we're mad!
and i think the monkeys are slping, cz we are all real tired ! n left me still blogging here and uploading photos n left my luggage unpack! :P i miss my home. Oh yeah~ going bck ltr!!!! excited


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good day?

Yepp. think so. algebra was... ok? i scare there are some mistakes that i didn't realize. i did the paper quite fast and so i started to question myself. izit some ques that i missed? or i did something wrongly? why am i so fast? like SUPER FAST! whn gheeghee came out for toilet i already done =___= but then i checked with my friends. hope today is really a good day for me. a one last chance. don grab it from me please :(
Woots! my wall bcum pinky with the edit frm my sis camera :D
this is how my table get whn it comes to final, usually it even worst ! HAHA. nobody goin to show ppl how messy they are except from me i guess

Pasar mlm today. happy happy =D yes, today is wednesday. again! so fast. after the bio, gonna go back on sat. Wohooo~ i miss my lovely bed. freaking tired ! there is some sort of event or whatsoever down there right now. so noisyyyy. i din notice jz nw? :/ n i met a lenglui frm kt too ;D
Okay, btw. ivy introduce me her adorable friend who i'm gonna take Accounting Practice with her next sem.nice to meet you, An gel. another angel :)

YAYYY! a lil more freedom. nt vy much though.
im gonna take many many photos with ya all this fri // sing k. WOHOO! :D gonna enjoy my time with u all :))  cant wait for the malacca trip ;DD
bath n sleep n k bio.. Boringgg~  


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

3 down, 2 more to go!

There you go, stupid Gen Chem2. It wasssss. easy? should i say easy? Its not tough. i mean nt like what we imagine la! just that i didn't study !! SOOOO DOWN LA. :(((( so sad.. i loss many many marks T_T
I know u guys are going to say, pass dy. let go of it. Haih. but, im always like this la. din prepare myself and after tht bising bising bising D: 4gv me. let me. jz today. shit
but ya, i do feel a lil relieved... like finally !!!!! but tmr is algebra. and then BIOOOO :( then balik kampung. Opps did i mention we're goin to celebrate 1st? HAHA. yep. we're really pity kay? din slp well for these days . so tired now! my shoulders are like trembling.  i have no choice but wan to score Algebra, my only last chance. i din do well on my mid term paper n quiz 2. DAMMIT. Gambateh ppl ! just try our best. that the only matter. hit it!

and these days keep on raining n raining raining. and i wore shoe on both of the days. i just don like to wear slipper la. Haih.. looks like i have no choice but to wear slipper tmr. both of the shoe smell suck bcz of the dog n cat.haha
IM so gonna sing k. chiong k mood on 100 now :DD
Ohyeah~ gen chem2 is a history. at least for nw :P


Thursday, April 7, 2011

start of Third World War

Seeing my mood, u can know how was the exam today. Fortunately,Ms was fine :) Thanks to Ms. Amy, big big love to u!  ONLY 40ques mcq for our final paper. FINAL PAPER WEH!O h i just love u so much ;P But there are 4 killing subjects waiting to kill. The big slaughter haven't start.....
I was awake by sky captain from, the change of venue of the so called 'Farewell party' for our

Mr XiaoHei since that he is not even sure whether he's going. idk what to call,
celebration of sem break?whatever -.- actually a short nap like 20-30min is enough for ya. 
nap for too long just will makes u even feel more tired when u wake up , agree?? 
Thanks to SC ! feeling so energetic right now. LOL. hope tht the outing after bio is on la, 
why is u guys nt going?? D: feeling so displeased laaa. 
time for study now!if not i will be waiting in vain to be killed. Nahh i dowan ! 
my mid term marksss are like wake up call for me. FIGHTING!!

it should be the 'YESH!' sign la jiahui! snickering over there huh XD
GOOOOO! take 'em down ! ! kill 'em before they kill u :D +u+u everyone ! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Why is everything and anything been sooo irritating. =SS
FINALYYYYYYYYYYYYY! sorry but i have to do so. I DONE MY LAB REPORT. the day before exam == whatever ! as long as i done bcz of someone -.-' Final is so damn near, just tmr. TMR? WHAT? cz i don't looks like the one who gon to have final exam tmr right? i knw, 4gv me. this is who i am.. Blaaa~ wait a minute! but i did study ok. Next sem i have the MOSTSTUPIDSHITTYSUBJECTS all together. im sooo dead. Thus, gon to make my cgpa for these 2sems higher. i cant phail it !can i? please.... i knw what u're gon to say. 'GO STUDY NOW LA. STILL BLOGGING. RIGHT? =,=
msmsmsmsmsmms . here i come. gonna eat u >:)

mean u can try next time? NO, doesn't mean u can try to piss me off. u don't wish to. trust me XD
starts to stress dy. *a day b4 the exam jz feel the stress :/  HAHA* CIAO

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Final week

Im likey ma new background and the layout that I've changed to. Now my contents are bigger compare with before. i didn't realize it b4 .im vague. as alwaysss :/

Yes, i'm a vague person. final is starts on thurs and im still like bluring around . ms.... BORING & u lab report ! i wish to finish it asap but i just couldnt ! ohshit. :(
Cs, chem2, algebra are happen to be in a row . OHCRAP ahhhhhh. 

i can hardly c u. cant u just show me? :(

So, im outta here :((  All the best people ! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

woah, this is so not me. wake up at this time . i mean, not when i slept at 5am in the morning ! -.- Okay, i knw i mentioned quite alotta time. BUT ITS 4gv me =目

Let's talk about the stupid alcohol foam thingy.
Yes, today. its better. If nt im really gon to seek for doc. 
Yes, YOU! you stupid 
Fyi, this stupid bottle is kampai.contains only 5%alcohol and i get alcohol foam after drank this ? wth. whatever, maybe cz im allergic to alcohol n idk. cz i never take alcohol b4. except for shandy la of course (i don even like shandy, i mean i can drink it but nt vy like)im guai lui :D  i getting itchy right after i reach home at fri night. and it starts to became red, itchy ITCHYYY! 2nd day, still ITCHYYY!! and swollen at my hand, especially right hand D:  
can u see the difference? 
and the worst part was i felt like getting fever DD: FML and same goes to my lieblich roomie - miss fion. hope u recover faster, its been days she has fever.. 
n final is coming to haunt usss down :( but im feeling great right now,
 i guess u can c tht too.LOL
给一个peace 是为了拍照 - Jay :D
weather is killing me! so hottt. but i heard tht kt is like flooding? keep raining? :(
what with the weather nowadayssss??
But im nt get to worry bout this, lab report n final 1st..== yay, left exp9! 
the hardest. WO SHIEN 100 !

Gambateh to everyone !!  Ciao =)

Friday, April 1, 2011


几够力一下的咯, 我ngenge出去
几够力一下的咯, 我mid terms, quizes 的成绩
几够力一下的咯,要考final 了咯 !!!!

几够力一下的咯,最近拍了一大堆照片 ==
几够力一下的咯,我全身都在痒,难道像老琳一样喝了kampai 生酒沫?不是吧.kampai 而已.其实酒沫是怎样的?LOL
几够力一下的咯,我还有两/三份lab report 要赶,但刚唱k回来。木还在 T.T

朋友们加油 !! =]

几够力一下的咯,要怎样考试哦??? DD: