
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

it all ends

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 is awesome!! i mean like seriously. and so touching. mean while, my friends said they nearly fell asleep T.T  sad  it ends. more than 10 years already. cant believe it really finish and no more Harry Potter and bla bla. :(
worth to watch in theater. must !
Snape, the great man.
Ya i knew it. just that he didn't reveal his identity and had difficulties but to play a part as the slave of Voldemort. the great man. while Dumbledore had been using Harry for years :(  lol  
I think I just sounds like crazy. Oops. for those who didn't watch it yet. haha

Speaking of Harry potter, Emma watson! pretty girl  since she was little. 
gosh! such a sweet pie♥♥
you all know right, she had her hair cut. until that short.. Ahhhhh~
BUT, she's still that pretty. check this out.
OMGGG! pretty cool huh? she's hot no matter how she's in.
she's even better in another way with this.  perfect nose lips, sharp contour, charming eyes. making her on Marie Claire, Seventeen, Vouge, Burberry's ambassador etc.

Ok, stop that!
HP was Monday. The last Sunday, me and gangie went for Olympic Day Fun Run at Dataran Merdeka. 
ya, fun run. I almost walked instead of run. so we didn't manage to get any medals. its real fun. 
will  definitely join again next year if I could :D
like we won the medals. LOL
Finally we reached Dataran Merdeka! 

We made it!!

sweating is good. and makes me feel good! :D
even it make both of my legs are aching until today. 
nola, actually i went for badminton yesterday.Fun fun ! exercising is great. 
can I maintain this 'healthy' lifestyle? lol
 just gave Lujing ah mei a birthday surprise. actually this just pop-ed out suddenly. tehee
but she really shocked leh.  ROFL epic. should have record it down!
hope she really enjoys it ah mei :)
im trapped
I need more, moRE, MORE!!!!
need some inspirations too. 

what can i do..? it all ends? 

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