
Sunday, July 31, 2011

watch out!

Badminton and mamak. Im lovin' it! :)
Tehee. thanks to Sky captain helped us to book the court for today and tomorrow.
Not sure about tmr yet =P

Ya, im living myself right.
Life with right person right things. trying my hard best to overcome all those shits.
But omg, final is real near. Jiayou jiayou! gotta work hard.
wish i can get the best i could! 
need to gaotim my Calculus quiz2 first. postponed x2! zzz FML
Homesick D:
Im always starting to miss my home around the final time. Bad timing! 
the Ghost month for Chinese happen to be in July (In chinese calender) which is today.
making me to change the profile picture of mine.

Not available for pregnant women and children under 12 unless by company of parents! 

sorry if i scared you! i mean WE 
Buahahahahah. ok, i think im a lilttle scared too. 
its a iPhone app. creepy right.
Ya, just a random post.
Im feeling so dazed. I dont know what should I do?
Bored with this.
and can you just leave me alone? *sigh*
candid shot by fifi's new love. @ oldtown sky's love

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