
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Have you ever..?

Holy crap! having pms. UGHH its killing meeeeee!! >:(  * luckily i do not have morning class today.
sorry for the rude start of my line. i just can't help cause its really sucks 
Accounting internal marks was out. oh i should say it as midterm& quiz marks, the last assignment just be submitted. 
PHEW. i cant believe what I've seen. i double/ triple checked. i'm afraid that I see the wrong id. haha!
its not full marks or what, you might think I'm exaggerating but I totally screwed up the pop quiz. i swear.
really glad.... :) relieved. but I'm still worrying my assignment marks. and business quiz2. 
hope can really help myself with this quiz. *sigh*
this week is killin'. 
went for Mr. popper penguin at Midvalley. was a last minute decision. since that Kopi, qiang jie going to watch their Lada land.wonder if I misspelling it? haha. you know right the Thai ghost/horror movie. whatever! 
its was.. OK. I'll give 2 stars out of 5. =x
toilet is always the place haha!

Sushi king. our fav. since that they're craving for the sushi. Yum yum :)

Jiahui saying that seems like only three of us come to Sushi King :(
♥ xiao xiao hui dont lao gai! 

but pms is really ruined my shopping mood. dammit. 
Have you ever..
feel like want to cut your stomach out and eat it?! no i definitely not mean to eat it!
Have you ever 
feel like you want to start studying but you just never! and always end up commit suicide. i mean, burning the midnight oil. again
Have you ever
thinking something like your soul is out of your body and the water you're filling leaking out like some kinda scene only you can see in drama?
Have you ever
hope everything will just be as before?

I do.
Don‘t worry be happy!
This 4 words is simple, uncomplicated
when you're on your way to achieve this, its complicated and definitely not easy
this thing, is the toughest ever.
But still, I hope that everyone don't worry, be happy :)
p/s: i mean it when I say it. It might sounds like i dont care, but i do. so please believe me next time, kay?


  1. bingo! yes, i do. especially the cut the stomach part, when gastric. arrrgh.

  2. Ya, idk about gastric but i do know something like MENSTRUAL PAIN. dammit :(
