
Saturday, July 9, 2011

I love them!

Am so tired recently. everything seems to be outta control. I'm freaked out. what can I do?
as I'm predicted, Ce midterm wasnt good. only. not even 2 in tenth digit. so u know right. 
I hate myself. I shouldnt. but I always making the same mistake. forgive me people...... Why? =(

Been watching 1Liters of Tears recently. crying every episode. Oh no T-T 
I think I wasted a lot of time on these stuff.
I gotta make things right. Final starts on August. August .....
many things to be done. gonna make use of my weekend. Can I??? use it wisely please. cause,
BIG thanks to the Bersih protest thingy. we're advised not to go out for our safety. 
I saw a vid on Facebook and also Lujing asked to me to watch. 
After watching it, I am so angry with the way the cop talks to the oldman, he is aged. 
but the FAT cop is so impolite! He is such a barbarian. insisted to force the man to police station, talking righteously. there is no grounds of arrest!  
Oh come on, even there are so many people watching. then another police car reached and persuaded the man the police station. Who knows what happen to him in police station? 
Malaysia policemen is really an EMBARRASSMENT of Malaysia!
Im just gonna miss my gangieI so so so much when im in degree. this sem passes very rapid. 
I feel like havent really clean up the mood and enjoy the every bits and pieces with ya all.
joys and sorrows ( ya even we went through this lol
I just cant get enough..  :'(
they are beautiful isn't they? ALL THE BEST IN EVERYTHING GUYS!
Oh gosh.. cant believe we're actually tearing apart next sem! 
can I ask for more?
why there is so many friends of mine born in July, September etc..? or is it I have too much of friends? lol
p/s : I just hope every every thing will be as before. 
4am in the morning. Once again

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