
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Boring Sunday

Ahhhhhh~ Im gonna gone crazy so soon. SOON! bored.
seriously bored. feel like a dead fish. 
plus my internet line is super duper triple slow. damn annoying. 
keep on dc like hundreds time. 
Maybe its a good thing?
No internet = no online
no online = no stalking 
no stalking = thinking time 
thinking time = think of my quiz2
think of my quiz2 = time to study!! 

Or else I will be burning midnight oil tomorrow night again. even tomorrow this will be happening also. but at least not too late =P
Ya, and so. I checked for my accounting assignment at the UCSI website. there it is.. the last one. 
Lecturer is done teaching the syllabus that will be out for finals too. so its consider as finish of lecture. 
OH NO... FINAL. so sooooooon. funky funky 
my face is so terrible these days. idk what happened!! T____T
few days before T zone was red and peeling.. omg. im freaked out. dono what to do.
is it like some sort of sunburn? what?!? where do I get sunburn? -.- I have no idea!
but it seems like allergy. wth? i never had. 
been using Etude house mask 5pieces for Rm12 bought at Times Square. 
I think I need some moisturizing and nourishing for my skin! 
Ugh, so vexed for it. its red&a little of swollen, and gone. then again. =S day by day.
:D not bad!
will try out Neutrogena mask next time. heard quite a lot of good reviews.

Im too bored and played with a paper clip!
Ohya, should I cut my bang? or leave it to grow?? 
do feel free to leave me a comment. i really need some. this question will always bothering me when it comes to this length !
playing with Meitu XiuXiu . tehee :P
feel like going out but cant ...... cant wait for 14July. Harry Potter! 
tried for fun while waiting for sis. didn't buy any =P
wanna watch movie, shopping, have a great meal. enjoy life 
人是永远不会满足的. but i just cant D:
its late and im just read like half page. Oh no..
and im hungry. again. shit
Bye. Nights 

1 comment:

  1. I dah tukar blog address.
    Good night. ok. thx. XD
