
Thursday, July 21, 2011


Finish last class of accounting today. No more lectures , no more tutorials. happy?
NO. I'm really scared. shit.

and I just found out that I made a mistake. hilarious! but it is fascinating indeed. tehee :
I'm such a fool 
3 weeks more to go for hideous final. omg..  
terrible horrible vegetable! 
I'm not ready for it! :
i have no confidence to....
and im going out on this Saturday again ..... kill mehhhh

Why my subjects end at last day of final?! fml! and i just got 10days at hometown. SAD !
and i gotta have lunch and dinner alone that day?!?! T____T date me out anyone. i dont care 
*smirk *
I think I dont have reasons to leave except from b3
 Nana with hearts 

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