
Sunday, July 31, 2011

watch out!

Badminton and mamak. Im lovin' it! :)
Tehee. thanks to Sky captain helped us to book the court for today and tomorrow.
Not sure about tmr yet =P

Ya, im living myself right.
Life with right person right things. trying my hard best to overcome all those shits.
But omg, final is real near. Jiayou jiayou! gotta work hard.
wish i can get the best i could! 
need to gaotim my Calculus quiz2 first. postponed x2! zzz FML
Homesick D:
Im always starting to miss my home around the final time. Bad timing! 
the Ghost month for Chinese happen to be in July (In chinese calender) which is today.
making me to change the profile picture of mine.

Not available for pregnant women and children under 12 unless by company of parents! 

sorry if i scared you! i mean WE 
Buahahahahah. ok, i think im a lilttle scared too. 
its a iPhone app. creepy right.
Ya, just a random post.
Im feeling so dazed. I dont know what should I do?
Bored with this.
and can you just leave me alone? *sigh*
candid shot by fifi's new love. @ oldtown sky's love

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

tell you what..

Been neglecting my blog around 1week. Oops.
Im just so lazy to blog.
By right, there are too many things that I don't know how to express it. in any way..  fml. 
Last weekend went out with the sisters. thanks da jie so much. for everything.
hope you had a sweet birthday :)
take care much much. 

Be yourself, don't change for anyone. If they don't like you at your worst, then they don't deserve you at your best.
Yea, so recently.quite busy. i guess.
*Sigh* one quiz down, another one more to got then here comes the final! D:
am so freaking scared. 
yeah, i am the kind of girl who get pre-exam phobia thingy. 
Ah... Calculus. 
I've been skipping classes for days. 2days actually. Shit. Shouldn't have.
yesterday was my room door knob's fault! 
even we found out the knob are going to out of function but never knew it could be so fast. it refuse to give out and in. LOL.
means that, me and fion can go out and in. freaked out. ya of course right!?
finally get to go and buy a new one, wait wait wait for the uncle to done with his business to explain for us. he'll be charging us extra Rm30 for the installation.
another guy came, wait wait wait again.
then explain. explain, explain. FINALLY.
Im late for class ........

I'm afraid of life. everything! Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time and meet myself as a kid.
This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it.
Do not complain about others, change yourself if you want peace 

and please 
-Don’t waste your time on a man, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.;)
When a girl tells you about her problems it does not mean that she complains.She trusts you
p/s: time and money is never enough for me! >:(

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Finish last class of accounting today. No more lectures , no more tutorials. happy?
NO. I'm really scared. shit.

and I just found out that I made a mistake. hilarious! but it is fascinating indeed. tehee :
I'm such a fool 
3 weeks more to go for hideous final. omg..  
terrible horrible vegetable! 
I'm not ready for it! :
i have no confidence to....
and im going out on this Saturday again ..... kill mehhhh

Why my subjects end at last day of final?! fml! and i just got 10days at hometown. SAD !
and i gotta have lunch and dinner alone that day?!?! T____T date me out anyone. i dont care 
*smirk *
I think I dont have reasons to leave except from b3
 Nana with hearts 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

it all ends

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 is awesome!! i mean like seriously. and so touching. mean while, my friends said they nearly fell asleep T.T  sad  it ends. more than 10 years already. cant believe it really finish and no more Harry Potter and bla bla. :(
worth to watch in theater. must !
Snape, the great man.
Ya i knew it. just that he didn't reveal his identity and had difficulties but to play a part as the slave of Voldemort. the great man. while Dumbledore had been using Harry for years :(  lol  
I think I just sounds like crazy. Oops. for those who didn't watch it yet. haha

Speaking of Harry potter, Emma watson! pretty girl  since she was little. 
gosh! such a sweet pie♥♥
you all know right, she had her hair cut. until that short.. Ahhhhh~
BUT, she's still that pretty. check this out.
OMGGG! pretty cool huh? she's hot no matter how she's in.
she's even better in another way with this.  perfect nose lips, sharp contour, charming eyes. making her on Marie Claire, Seventeen, Vouge, Burberry's ambassador etc.

Ok, stop that!
HP was Monday. The last Sunday, me and gangie went for Olympic Day Fun Run at Dataran Merdeka. 
ya, fun run. I almost walked instead of run. so we didn't manage to get any medals. its real fun. 
will  definitely join again next year if I could :D
like we won the medals. LOL
Finally we reached Dataran Merdeka! 

We made it!!

sweating is good. and makes me feel good! :D
even it make both of my legs are aching until today. 
nola, actually i went for badminton yesterday.Fun fun ! exercising is great. 
can I maintain this 'healthy' lifestyle? lol
 just gave Lujing ah mei a birthday surprise. actually this just pop-ed out suddenly. tehee
but she really shocked leh.  ROFL epic. should have record it down!
hope she really enjoys it ah mei :)
im trapped
I need more, moRE, MORE!!!!
need some inspirations too. 

what can i do..? it all ends? 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fun OK

Midnight - blogging time again.
its early in the morning. lol

about yesterday, actually Thursday. 
we macam rusa masuk kampung, three little courage girls venture out into the Wisma OCM . LOL
we're like orang kampung lost in the city. and thanks to the guard who gave us the totally opposite direction for us! we even pass by  茨场街
but anyhow, we made it through obstacles and hardships. rofl. I just make this sounds like doomsday. HAHA.
whatever, I think we're really the great woman who make it to there until we're almost lost and fed up( okay maybe only me) and hot and bring all their shirts back for them. woah. like we just did the great thing in the world.
Overall : tiring day and I finally bought my flipper! chatime too.
took the coupon from a booklet at Information counter (time square) that have 10% off for chatime and many more.

Today , means yesterday.
Fun OK! its a restaurant with home like setting. pillows, dolls, toilet bowl as chair, washing machine as one of the tables! cute right?
use to have birthday celebrations at there since I came here. lol
celebrating chiavern's birthday in advance. Lulu joins us. Ah mei,welcome to big family!
force ah mei to do
but too bad mei mei cant join us! D:
Birthday girl! 
one with birthday girl :D
weee ;D
start camworing! tehee
cute clouds like cotton candy n_n
i just love the deco there 
and the setting make me feel comfortable! =)
it was only me or every one? cause we chit-chat at there for like 4hours. scary right? this is us.

this is !
mama!! hahah
you + me = we =  

Sorry I am too boring but play with the app. edited most of the photos. 
Not sure if I have another opportunity to have this kind of bonding session with all of you guys. its kinda sad when I think about this. we'll get further apart day by day when we get to degree.
I'm very sure of it :(

I had an idea. *evil smirk*
wondering... tired... started to hungry again... 
off to sleep then. its 4 already OMG

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Have you ever..?

Holy crap! having pms. UGHH its killing meeeeee!! >:(  * luckily i do not have morning class today.
sorry for the rude start of my line. i just can't help cause its really sucks 
Accounting internal marks was out. oh i should say it as midterm& quiz marks, the last assignment just be submitted. 
PHEW. i cant believe what I've seen. i double/ triple checked. i'm afraid that I see the wrong id. haha!
its not full marks or what, you might think I'm exaggerating but I totally screwed up the pop quiz. i swear.
really glad.... :) relieved. but I'm still worrying my assignment marks. and business quiz2. 
hope can really help myself with this quiz. *sigh*
this week is killin'. 
went for Mr. popper penguin at Midvalley. was a last minute decision. since that Kopi, qiang jie going to watch their Lada land.wonder if I misspelling it? haha. you know right the Thai ghost/horror movie. whatever! 
its was.. OK. I'll give 2 stars out of 5. =x
toilet is always the place haha!

Sushi king. our fav. since that they're craving for the sushi. Yum yum :)

Jiahui saying that seems like only three of us come to Sushi King :(
♥ xiao xiao hui dont lao gai! 

but pms is really ruined my shopping mood. dammit. 
Have you ever..
feel like want to cut your stomach out and eat it?! no i definitely not mean to eat it!
Have you ever 
feel like you want to start studying but you just never! and always end up commit suicide. i mean, burning the midnight oil. again
Have you ever
thinking something like your soul is out of your body and the water you're filling leaking out like some kinda scene only you can see in drama?
Have you ever
hope everything will just be as before?

I do.
Don‘t worry be happy!
This 4 words is simple, uncomplicated
when you're on your way to achieve this, its complicated and definitely not easy
this thing, is the toughest ever.
But still, I hope that everyone don't worry, be happy :)
p/s: i mean it when I say it. It might sounds like i dont care, but i do. so please believe me next time, kay?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Boring Sunday

Ahhhhhh~ Im gonna gone crazy so soon. SOON! bored.
seriously bored. feel like a dead fish. 
plus my internet line is super duper triple slow. damn annoying. 
keep on dc like hundreds time. 
Maybe its a good thing?
No internet = no online
no online = no stalking 
no stalking = thinking time 
thinking time = think of my quiz2
think of my quiz2 = time to study!! 

Or else I will be burning midnight oil tomorrow night again. even tomorrow this will be happening also. but at least not too late =P
Ya, and so. I checked for my accounting assignment at the UCSI website. there it is.. the last one. 
Lecturer is done teaching the syllabus that will be out for finals too. so its consider as finish of lecture. 
OH NO... FINAL. so sooooooon. funky funky 
my face is so terrible these days. idk what happened!! T____T
few days before T zone was red and peeling.. omg. im freaked out. dono what to do.
is it like some sort of sunburn? what?!? where do I get sunburn? -.- I have no idea!
but it seems like allergy. wth? i never had. 
been using Etude house mask 5pieces for Rm12 bought at Times Square. 
I think I need some moisturizing and nourishing for my skin! 
Ugh, so vexed for it. its red&a little of swollen, and gone. then again. =S day by day.
:D not bad!
will try out Neutrogena mask next time. heard quite a lot of good reviews.

Im too bored and played with a paper clip!
Ohya, should I cut my bang? or leave it to grow?? 
do feel free to leave me a comment. i really need some. this question will always bothering me when it comes to this length !
playing with Meitu XiuXiu . tehee :P
feel like going out but cant ...... cant wait for 14July. Harry Potter! 
tried for fun while waiting for sis. didn't buy any =P
wanna watch movie, shopping, have a great meal. enjoy life 
人是永远不会满足的. but i just cant D:
its late and im just read like half page. Oh no..
and im hungry. again. shit
Bye. Nights 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I love them!

Am so tired recently. everything seems to be outta control. I'm freaked out. what can I do?
as I'm predicted, Ce midterm wasnt good. only. not even 2 in tenth digit. so u know right. 
I hate myself. I shouldnt. but I always making the same mistake. forgive me people...... Why? =(

Been watching 1Liters of Tears recently. crying every episode. Oh no T-T 
I think I wasted a lot of time on these stuff.
I gotta make things right. Final starts on August. August .....
many things to be done. gonna make use of my weekend. Can I??? use it wisely please. cause,
BIG thanks to the Bersih protest thingy. we're advised not to go out for our safety. 
I saw a vid on Facebook and also Lujing asked to me to watch. 
After watching it, I am so angry with the way the cop talks to the oldman, he is aged. 
but the FAT cop is so impolite! He is such a barbarian. insisted to force the man to police station, talking righteously. there is no grounds of arrest!  
Oh come on, even there are so many people watching. then another police car reached and persuaded the man the police station. Who knows what happen to him in police station? 
Malaysia policemen is really an EMBARRASSMENT of Malaysia!
Im just gonna miss my gangieI so so so much when im in degree. this sem passes very rapid. 
I feel like havent really clean up the mood and enjoy the every bits and pieces with ya all.
joys and sorrows ( ya even we went through this lol
I just cant get enough..  :'(
they are beautiful isn't they? ALL THE BEST IN EVERYTHING GUYS!
Oh gosh.. cant believe we're actually tearing apart next sem! 
can I ask for more?
why there is so many friends of mine born in July, September etc..? or is it I have too much of friends? lol
p/s : I just hope every every thing will be as before. 
4am in the morning. Once again

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Since that Ivy told me I should read the post all about physco thingy. ya, i copied it down all from there. so true. cool
So, this..
关系越好的,往往是最爱损你的-- 和她们说话时,你总是能自动屏蔽那些不爱听的。你的毛病她们永远比你更清楚。碰到你以前喜欢过的人,她们总是特别激动地喊你快看快看。有了小秘密,总是第一个想跟她们分享。其实最关心你的,永远是那个最爱打击你的。 
Ya this is true somehow. sweet and sour. kinda perasan with the last sentence in this phrase. I wonder. (Ahh i miss pongpong :( )


越是熟的朋友,对话就越粗鲁;越是熟的朋友,行为就越猥琐;越是熟的朋友,开玩笑就越不计较;越是熟的朋友,你出来玩就越是要管你;越是熟的朋友,见面少了就越思念;越是熟的朋友,你一有错他就越毫不留面地骂你;越是熟的朋友,不开心时他想起的第一个人就越是你。Awww i just miss my close friends :(

*有一点爽咯,但是心机很重一下 .__. *

女人在床上流的泪,比在任何一个地方多。男人在床上说的谎,也比在任何一个地方多。------张小娴  I just like her! :) I got almost  every single novels of her 
Sorry for cant bringing any for you. will do next time. sure got chance 强 :P
Ohya, will be meeting ma second sista tmr. woots! first time since I came here. 

Off for my 1Liter of Tears and waiting for ma burger. Bye

Saturday, July 2, 2011

so what you what you want?

am listening to Far Eat Movement - So What lol
im falling for 2pm recently. they are really CUTE! omg omg. hands up is so addictive.
same goes to City Hunter. im poisoned 
I screwed up my ce midterm. thought that it will all about the questions but there was only 1. the holy only one question. and it was:-
Which is the smallest unit of memory listed below? 
A) bit
B) byte
C) megabyte
D) terabyte

I was like wth? and OMG cause lecturer is very smart that our neighbours are not taking the same paper with us. so.. ya, i messed it up. T-T
Oh ya, yesterday i was really sick like a dead fish! the day before right, i feel Hot N Cold. seriously -.-
i was freezing in my room! you know right. it's impossible for you to shiver in my room. 
Was it because the wisdom tooth? I have no idea. but then thanks to Panadol. i feel great right after took it. No joke. like after 4seconds? i swear.
Okay, I know right. It is not a excuse for my screwed up Ce and Calculus paper. Oh no, the last question . *cry again*
So apparently outing with jizai and hons are off
Sing k session with friends of course. I've miss it! enjoy much much.
accompanied sky captain for so called window shopping. D;
I saw heels, dress and necklace againnnnn. Nooooo~ 
simple yet me likey! 
from Kitschen. last piece of XS  :'(  Rm50+? nahhh, i dont take that.

thousand words in my mind but i just couldn't spit any single &%%$@#$%@^&%^&%@^& at b3
I know i'm not a perfect person.and neither are you. I tried, at least. But if you don't appreciate it, don't spit on it or even abuse it!
I can tell this is not my  thinktoomuch already.  Im always. but this is definitely NOT!
Fine, here is not mine anymore.  

And we got a HOOOTTT NEWS today. but i just dont wanna say it again.
I hope I really can do it.
Let them. 
Oh ya, Happy Birthday to beloved Winnie!