
Monday, May 9, 2011


I think i got many enemies. idk why. its my problem? so there are b1,b2 and b3. what they stands for? nt goin to tell u! Blehh. i just need to release stress. not to create problem here. so dont ask me! bet u know them too Hmmm...
just came back from Malacca. the super hot weather there !!!!!! YEAH, THE SUN WAS LIKE FLAME !!!! 
maybe u want to say i used to be dark right, i knew it. but not so dark la at least a lil fairer than this !! its a tough task for me to get a white skin. :((
Okay done with the weather/sun/skin thingy. this trip was so so so fun ! :D 
even if b1,b2 and b3,  u 3 keep appearing in my mind. its kinda annoying. ya >:( 

b3 cant u just stop it?? shit. 

and im feeling kinda hot . HAHA. sounds ss. i mean, im feeling that my body is a lil too hot, getting fever? Noooo ! but im starting to cough. nahh, i dowan that. its suffering. still din settle with the timetable thingy. this vex is so annoying can die. == 
will blog about the malacca trip soon, waiting my hair to dry then off to bed.
8am STUPID CE class tmr. Im shooo tired la
Bye, nights.


  1. just ignore them my darl. :)
    btw, the pics din show you're dark la. haha!

  2. ya. trying my best to. :D
    got lo =(
