
Friday, May 27, 2011


Kung fu panda-ed yesterday! very funny and nice movie. Hahaha. i laughed out loud through out the 1 and half hour! many funny scenes making me and ivy the loudest people who laughed in the cinema. Oops =x but who cares. REALLY FUNNY. feeling to watch again. and the baby po is super duper cute cute CUTE :D
seeeee ! told ya. baby po is cute n_n

me and eve ( or angel?) tried to pose this too but jiahui deleted it :'(

we make kung fu panda looks like a horror movie XD 
this was taken at Genting,we weren't watch yet at that time ,HAHA. after that went to 天下第一辣 to have our dinner. I've told them that the last experience I've eaten the 地域what what( its 第二辣 according to the staff. HAHA) until my lips numb and my mum helped me to finish it ended up she went toilet twice. my mum is a spicyyy lover ! oh can you imagine it? and ghee said she wanted to challenge. she didn't finish the bowl either. gosh.. the pungent smell of the chilli or sambal or whatever choked me all the time. couldn't stand it D: and, she kept saying she's cold in the cinema (ya i knew it so i bring along my jacket weee~ ) and she has sore throat and so, she's sick!! take care babe! still goes to cc play =___= 
btw! we weren't leave you in purpose xiao pi pi!! we were concerned. afraid that you'll faint or dizzy again. please take good care of yourself :( don make anyone of us worry kay?? 
I hate my timetable. its my final semester in foundation but its the worst ! friday i have classes starts from 930-330 straight. and i hate accounting. Even they all saying that acc is easy, but haih~ i hate the class.cause i don't have classmate that can teach me on the spot :( lecturer speaks like racing cars. she thought she's the girl in fast5? i don't have any acc base in spm :((  and her always change the venue without any notifications >:(  Finally we split into two groups. and now, what's with the outdoor activities?! wth! assignments every week, that we're required to pass up on every week. so pekk cekkkk de lohhhhh still couldn't find the acc book !
finished with the ce quiz just now. okok la. ahh dont wanna think about it dy. still having Business assignment due date on 1st june. i screw my business quiz ! T__T 10% lehh.. Physics and Calculus quizes on next week. and im still going out tmr. no choice but i have to, bought the ticket to the musical Oh gosh. my miserable sem3 is going to start soon. im so deadddd! D:
Going out on June again.. with nganngan!!!!!!  i miss her. like so muchhh! i knw i shouldn't hang out anymore. Sunway somemore $.$ I KNOW but i promised. i will out no matter how, not if i have any quizes/mid terms. please please not any replacement or shit on that day :)
ngan ngan! lovessss. the prettiest sweetheart
OK. i know i looks like scary auntie with the fake smile and fugly here but this is the only photo of she n me 

Just finish my chores. ahhh tired and hungreeyyy. i feel good though =)
Ciao. still have tons of works to be done.