
Thursday, May 5, 2011


5may, actually today is the actual date of fast5 on cinema but i have no idea why it's available since.. 1may? im nt sure. but who cares, as long as i can watch it. i might watch it tonight. teehee..

Seeing that i can laugh, you know that im nt emo anymore. 女人是善变的动物. XD who admit that herself is an animal?! 
I was to agitated
but ya,  im very very emo last night. i couldnt remember when was the last time i cried at night. 
it been years! but 
ya, i cried.. ;(  there are some other things too...  =( ahhh. i dont wanna getting emo again. and its 
easier cz im alone in the effing room. feeling so lonely. I DONT WANNA THINK ANYMORE. shit
nice song! T.T

Fast 5 fast 5.. =___=


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