
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Im emo tonight... You might think that im exaggerating. 
but i can say that my tears were almost streaming down just now. SERIOUSLY.
cause someone. hurt me.. Its my turn to ask! How can you define friend
If that is really what you think, fine.. you're making me furious. don make me dulan. what i wanted
to say is that : everyone got his/her limit. kay.. the whole world isnt just about u ! u keep thinking 
that you're unhappy unHAPPY UNHAPPY. but have you ever think of everyone is Unhappy because
of you???
i understand that there are many kind of people in this world.and im trying hard to get through with
it. or sometimes if im nt in the mood, ya. i can understand. but there are like infinity trifles... 

my patience has limits. im done here


  1. chill baby. Everyone got his/her limit, this is right. smile kay? ignore it. :)

  2. =)) im smiling because of u. thanks babe. im okay today ;)

  3. nana, I nvr knw you been hurt so badly.. I mean being hurt that worse! =(
    nvm.. thing passes.. Smile for a better future.. =)

  4. Yala. u never knew =( But ya, life goes on! 她只是过客 =P
