
Monday, May 30, 2011

sem3 starts officially

Before that, let's talk about the outing on last Saturday. Yeap, i went for the musical. of course i did. it cost me Rm68. kinda regret oops.. The story line is about pixies and all that blah blah blah. you know right? like the story u found in Disney. yep, exactly HAHA.but i am amazed by the main actor and actress. (is it called actor? idk whatever ) they are both ucsi music student. well done! *claps!* sincerely =) hahah. well, same goes to the others. but what make me feel regret was that he forget me la LOL. kidding. and the hall.. like so-not-grand. small little tiny studio looks like. the chairs make me feel like sitting in stadium-.- thats all. no more comment. but appearance of the Lot10 actors studio is so class. we took some pictures! of course. haha. still waiting for it la Hui 小姐 and Ah lee!! went for dinner at 十号胡同. everything looks yummy but so effing expensive lahh. snowflake before that too. at the newly opened one at Sungei wang. finally fifi n_n hehe. & i cant wait for 可小姐's hse. wohooo~ :DD
Back to the topic...
Yeah, as i said. i hate accounting class. Again.. i dont understand any single word split out from the lecturer. kinda hate her. Nop, its not my problem. i heard many of my friends had/have same problem with me; the lecturer speaks FASTTTTT! and i admit that im quite slow to catch something new. shit. have to seek some help from sky /ivy dy 

Wednesday -Business due date . and me & kopi... HAHA. uhh, have no idea.
                      -Physics quiz
Friday           -Calculus quiz
Next Monday-Accounting assignment again !!! (every week =.=' )
the most making me outrage is that we got accounting replacement on the most precious date. damn
吃一颗梨,继续冲刺! (好吃 ^^ )

BORING BORING BORING. dont feel like doing the assignments la.
sien betol. 

P/s:Finally she's moving out ! wohoo~ but the next problem is where to find a new house mate? eve maybe? maybe not .

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