
Sunday, May 22, 2011


Just came back from Genting. Oops. ya, i did. i tossed a coin, and it asked me to go. HAHAHA.Sorry for that, i know its ridiculous. forgive me dad. i used my own money Ahhh D: saw some who i know there =x so, do help me to keep this dirty little secret ya. pweaseee. 
To prevent like what happened to the Malacca trip post, decided to blog about this earlier. the sooner the better since im still in the mood! ;D
Okay, here we gooo ~

Day1 (its a day or not?)
They planned to make it a 3days 2nights trip, we went there by bus from Titiwangsa lrt station. Once ivy.bianbian n me reached there, there was bus waiting for us! they said the bus comes every half hour or something like that Forgotten. but what i wanted to say is that its really convenient to go to Genting and the bus ticket cost us only Rm5.90! so that's why those gamblers like to go to Genting casino?? =x 
it takes like more or less an hour time to reach. once we were dropped by the bus, the first thing popped out from my mind- WOAHH  COLDDDD !lol. walked along the road to get back to Ria apartment which we get a free night from ky. Thanks !around 7pm, off for dinner. Kfc == OK, we are dumbo. go to genting and eat kfc, but there are just almost the same restaurants/fast food. not much choices. and the price is so effing expensive $.$ went to gaigai. got no idea what to do, Bowling was it! haha. i kept on cuci longkang. Aiyakk x pe la. just for fun :D Sang all our way back to the apartment! HAHA. you might think that we're silly but i enjoyed it! i feel the warmth when all of the friends stick together. I love that  after that charged ourselves for the second day outdoor activities ! hehe. Bianbian, ivy, jason and ghee didn't sleep for the whole night. O_O and i was in hibernation. LOL. ntg to do with it  la, i mean i was freezing!! super cold at that night. 

We woke up quite early than we expected.
Checked-in to the First World hotel that booked by kopi. Pipi, sad that you cant join us !!!!!!! ='(
not so fun without you. glad to know that your grandpa is fine :]
off for the Theme park that cost us Rm46. At the same time, went to bought movie ticket (Pirates of the Caribbean) for the night. since there were SO MANY people until the first night was fulled.
quite many photos taken, but all are narcissistic photos xP now only i realized we didn't take any proper photos and group photos. Once again :((  so sad. 
we just played like 4games - Space shot, Mushroom ride (the spinner), Cyclone and Roller coaster. so few right? so its our Rm46 Y_Y 
eve vomited right after played the spinner cause we were just finished our lunch at Marrybrown =( yea, fastfood again == 
the first time when they all except  (bianbian,eve&angel) me were queueing up for the spaceshot, there was almost their turn, but then rains. and i gotta run all the way to hide from the rain with all their 5bags ;( it rains for whole saturday but choppy. dammit. The second time, all of us queued! haha. and a video was recorded. like it!! :D  
this was the second time i played Space shot, but it still scared the hell out of me LOL. when it first dropped down i was shocked and dumbfounded!! then, 'AHHHHHH OHMYGODDDDD!! AHHHHH' hahaha. i very timid one. Fuhhh~ my heart felt like skipped a heartbeat lol but then bianbian was more epic !! BUAAHAHHA ROFL! it scared his pants off. XDDDD should have record it down!! foul language all come out. same goes to jason. haha regret99 D:
Raining spoil our mood ! many of the games were closed and we were exhausted. bianbian was like fainting at anytime. lol seriously. 
back to hotel to rest. the super small hotel room. 2beds with 10people. took turns to bath and rest. then off for movie ! Weee~ just 3D is available i guess. my very first 3D movie. tehee.
but then ivy and me were so tired until we nearly fall asleep. No, we did fall asleep.haha! but we both got shocked by a scene. XD nice movie though
Here comes the problem, we got no idea how to sleep since everyone was extremely tired. ghee ky laolin jason went to Starbucks to chill and 6 of us sleep until they came back to sleep at 6am and then our turn to wander around outside. we even mora-ed to decide who to sleep on the floor since all of us insisted to sleep on the floor, except from bianbian -.- gentleman huh? sleep comfortably and laughing at us!! ==

thus, we woke up right after they came back. still blurring at that time, brushed the teeth and McD for breakfast with the pyjamas on XD and so ya, im super tired now. writing this post for hours ady haha
chitchat gossip till around 9 something then get back to ready. 

I enjoyed this trip. Love you all that brings laughters and joys for me   ^^
photos will up few days later perhaps? but ya all are not able to see that. hehe. to keep it as a 
little secret between me and you kay? hehe


  1. Sorry that I couldn`t join, felt sad too. =(
    anyway, you guys did enjoy it. =)
    but kinda "zadao" as you guys went fast food thrice! LOL.

  2. hahaha. xP yala. have no choice wahh
