
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Just feel like blogging and so i blogging. =目 
and something happened to my laptop, idk what happened to the taskbar. will check again after i restart 
seeing back the photos, im feeling blissed. that I have such a piggy friends :]  ahhh, im still into playing mood la. haven't switch to study mood. and..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KINGKONG LOW ! have a good day i know u all having assignment but still, wish ur assignment get high marks then  xD all the best in everything. don always emo please =/
Always felt that i getting tired easily recently。 what happen to me? i need to play!!! haha. its not like that la, i need my energy back, quizes and assignments are all coming towards me. D; ahhh don feel like starting all of the shits yet. =(  business quiz today  10questions of mcq (3chapters ! @@) , ce quiz this week. Business assignment Buahhhh! i dont feel like doing anything. help me please anyone :(((
Yesterday we saw xiao hui accidentally at campus. he came back to do something with the withdrawal. then of course is yc time! haha. had some catchup with him since he is so outdated ady :P and wishing you all the best at UTAR, ji mui. Everything needs to start, perhaps you only need to do the beginning ! make more friends la, this is what everyone will go through. dont need to feel shy of =) 

time to back to the reality. Bye D:
a tiny little picture is fine i guess. Bye genting :'(

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