
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

super tired days

i am freaking tired. TIRED ! YA !!

sunday when get back from kt by bus, boonshin's sis car broke down. we were like ... WHAT?! after sitting like 6hours stupid bus. (as his sis are going to send us back) then i gotta come back by lrt since they have to wait like 1 and half hours for the repairman or who ) boonshin send me to the lrt station and we both got lost -.-! Ya, he 4gt the way to there and there was raining CATS N DOGS zzz. we both running in the rain here and there.. and i was ALL WET like chicken. or cat. or whatever.. !everybody looking at me with the wet hair/shirt and a big luggage. Anyway it pass now. i was scared that i sick cause of the outing today :P and i clean my room and keep my stuff until like 1am.super tired..
Okay, after the whole exhausting night. monday comes. =)  
b4 went out
my bang looks weird laaa
they 3 cant make it. but i got my dearest pongpong :)))  love you
went to timesquare.chatime weee :D Again. hahaha. we went sg wang 1st, to take our brunch.
thn back to ts to buy movie ticket, thn sg wang n ts again -.-? ya, i can say that im really very tired that 
my leg cramp D: i hate whn my leg cramp, but it always do. i'll prefer to wear some comfy 
shoes to go out like, my nike. but sport shoes do not match a dress, do it? ==
took not many of pic. cause im nt really in the mood.
pongpongggg ;) 
Kopi Kopi =)

Phailedddd ! i nt dare to upload this on fb :P
AND SO, YA. IM SUPER DUPER TIRED RIGHT NOW. cant even think he to arrange my timtable.
Its start of sem3..
and my timetable is still is like shit! in mess.wtfl ! Arghhh >:(
goanna so campus even i don have class tmr. (don even sure which timetable to follow -.-)
can u see the pimple scar? =(  STESS99 LOL
Gonna start my shitty sucky life today, fml !
Btw, i miss u fifi :(((  Bye 

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