
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

what was once whole is now falling apart

I hate this. I hate when all of us fall apart.


everyone is just the same. ya, including me.  

maybe it'll be better when we all calm down. hope so

lesson learnt -敢作敢当,不要装疯扮痴。

Monday, May 30, 2011

sem3 starts officially

Before that, let's talk about the outing on last Saturday. Yeap, i went for the musical. of course i did. it cost me Rm68. kinda regret oops.. The story line is about pixies and all that blah blah blah. you know right? like the story u found in Disney. yep, exactly HAHA.but i am amazed by the main actor and actress. (is it called actor? idk whatever ) they are both ucsi music student. well done! *claps!* sincerely =) hahah. well, same goes to the others. but what make me feel regret was that he forget me la LOL. kidding. and the hall.. like so-not-grand. small little tiny studio looks like. the chairs make me feel like sitting in stadium-.- thats all. no more comment. but appearance of the Lot10 actors studio is so class. we took some pictures! of course. haha. still waiting for it la Hui 小姐 and Ah lee!! went for dinner at 十号胡同. everything looks yummy but so effing expensive lahh. snowflake before that too. at the newly opened one at Sungei wang. finally fifi n_n hehe. & i cant wait for 可小姐's hse. wohooo~ :DD
Back to the topic...
Yeah, as i said. i hate accounting class. Again.. i dont understand any single word split out from the lecturer. kinda hate her. Nop, its not my problem. i heard many of my friends had/have same problem with me; the lecturer speaks FASTTTTT! and i admit that im quite slow to catch something new. shit. have to seek some help from sky /ivy dy 

Wednesday -Business due date . and me & kopi... HAHA. uhh, have no idea.
                      -Physics quiz
Friday           -Calculus quiz
Next Monday-Accounting assignment again !!! (every week =.=' )
the most making me outrage is that we got accounting replacement on the most precious date. damn
吃一颗梨,继续冲刺! (好吃 ^^ )

BORING BORING BORING. dont feel like doing the assignments la.
sien betol. 

P/s:Finally she's moving out ! wohoo~ but the next problem is where to find a new house mate? eve maybe? maybe not .

Friday, May 27, 2011


Kung fu panda-ed yesterday! very funny and nice movie. Hahaha. i laughed out loud through out the 1 and half hour! many funny scenes making me and ivy the loudest people who laughed in the cinema. Oops =x but who cares. REALLY FUNNY. feeling to watch again. and the baby po is super duper cute cute CUTE :D
seeeee ! told ya. baby po is cute n_n

me and eve ( or angel?) tried to pose this too but jiahui deleted it :'(

we make kung fu panda looks like a horror movie XD 
this was taken at Genting,we weren't watch yet at that time ,HAHA. after that went to 天下第一辣 to have our dinner. I've told them that the last experience I've eaten the 地域what what( its 第二辣 according to the staff. HAHA) until my lips numb and my mum helped me to finish it ended up she went toilet twice. my mum is a spicyyy lover ! oh can you imagine it? and ghee said she wanted to challenge. she didn't finish the bowl either. gosh.. the pungent smell of the chilli or sambal or whatever choked me all the time. couldn't stand it D: and, she kept saying she's cold in the cinema (ya i knew it so i bring along my jacket weee~ ) and she has sore throat and so, she's sick!! take care babe! still goes to cc play =___= 
btw! we weren't leave you in purpose xiao pi pi!! we were concerned. afraid that you'll faint or dizzy again. please take good care of yourself :( don make anyone of us worry kay?? 
I hate my timetable. its my final semester in foundation but its the worst ! friday i have classes starts from 930-330 straight. and i hate accounting. Even they all saying that acc is easy, but haih~ i hate the class.cause i don't have classmate that can teach me on the spot :( lecturer speaks like racing cars. she thought she's the girl in fast5? i don't have any acc base in spm :((  and her always change the venue without any notifications >:(  Finally we split into two groups. and now, what's with the outdoor activities?! wth! assignments every week, that we're required to pass up on every week. so pekk cekkkk de lohhhhh still couldn't find the acc book !
finished with the ce quiz just now. okok la. ahh dont wanna think about it dy. still having Business assignment due date on 1st june. i screw my business quiz ! T__T 10% lehh.. Physics and Calculus quizes on next week. and im still going out tmr. no choice but i have to, bought the ticket to the musical Oh gosh. my miserable sem3 is going to start soon. im so deadddd! D:
Going out on June again.. with nganngan!!!!!!  i miss her. like so muchhh! i knw i shouldn't hang out anymore. Sunway somemore $.$ I KNOW but i promised. i will out no matter how, not if i have any quizes/mid terms. please please not any replacement or shit on that day :)
ngan ngan! lovessss. the prettiest sweetheart
OK. i know i looks like scary auntie with the fake smile and fugly here but this is the only photo of she n me 

Just finish my chores. ahhh tired and hungreeyyy. i feel good though =)
Ciao. still have tons of works to be done. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Just feel like blogging and so i blogging. =目 
and something happened to my laptop, idk what happened to the taskbar. will check again after i restart 
seeing back the photos, im feeling blissed. that I have such a piggy friends :]  ahhh, im still into playing mood la. haven't switch to study mood. and..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KINGKONG LOW ! have a good day i know u all having assignment but still, wish ur assignment get high marks then  xD all the best in everything. don always emo please =/
Always felt that i getting tired easily recently。 what happen to me? i need to play!!! haha. its not like that la, i need my energy back, quizes and assignments are all coming towards me. D; ahhh don feel like starting all of the shits yet. =(  business quiz today  10questions of mcq (3chapters ! @@) , ce quiz this week. Business assignment Buahhhh! i dont feel like doing anything. help me please anyone :(((
Yesterday we saw xiao hui accidentally at campus. he came back to do something with the withdrawal. then of course is yc time! haha. had some catchup with him since he is so outdated ady :P and wishing you all the best at UTAR, ji mui. Everything needs to start, perhaps you only need to do the beginning ! make more friends la, this is what everyone will go through. dont need to feel shy of =) 

time to back to the reality. Bye D:
a tiny little picture is fine i guess. Bye genting :'(

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Just came back from Genting. Oops. ya, i did. i tossed a coin, and it asked me to go. HAHAHA.Sorry for that, i know its ridiculous. forgive me dad. i used my own money Ahhh D: saw some who i know there =x so, do help me to keep this dirty little secret ya. pweaseee. 
To prevent like what happened to the Malacca trip post, decided to blog about this earlier. the sooner the better since im still in the mood! ;D
Okay, here we gooo ~

Day1 (its a day or not?)
They planned to make it a 3days 2nights trip, we went there by bus from Titiwangsa lrt station. Once ivy.bianbian n me reached there, there was bus waiting for us! they said the bus comes every half hour or something like that Forgotten. but what i wanted to say is that its really convenient to go to Genting and the bus ticket cost us only Rm5.90! so that's why those gamblers like to go to Genting casino?? =x 
it takes like more or less an hour time to reach. once we were dropped by the bus, the first thing popped out from my mind- WOAHH  COLDDDD !lol. walked along the road to get back to Ria apartment which we get a free night from ky. Thanks !around 7pm, off for dinner. Kfc == OK, we are dumbo. go to genting and eat kfc, but there are just almost the same restaurants/fast food. not much choices. and the price is so effing expensive $.$ went to gaigai. got no idea what to do, Bowling was it! haha. i kept on cuci longkang. Aiyakk x pe la. just for fun :D Sang all our way back to the apartment! HAHA. you might think that we're silly but i enjoyed it! i feel the warmth when all of the friends stick together. I love that  after that charged ourselves for the second day outdoor activities ! hehe. Bianbian, ivy, jason and ghee didn't sleep for the whole night. O_O and i was in hibernation. LOL. ntg to do with it  la, i mean i was freezing!! super cold at that night. 

We woke up quite early than we expected.
Checked-in to the First World hotel that booked by kopi. Pipi, sad that you cant join us !!!!!!! ='(
not so fun without you. glad to know that your grandpa is fine :]
off for the Theme park that cost us Rm46. At the same time, went to bought movie ticket (Pirates of the Caribbean) for the night. since there were SO MANY people until the first night was fulled.
quite many photos taken, but all are narcissistic photos xP now only i realized we didn't take any proper photos and group photos. Once again :((  so sad. 
we just played like 4games - Space shot, Mushroom ride (the spinner), Cyclone and Roller coaster. so few right? so its our Rm46 Y_Y 
eve vomited right after played the spinner cause we were just finished our lunch at Marrybrown =( yea, fastfood again == 
the first time when they all except  (bianbian,eve&angel) me were queueing up for the spaceshot, there was almost their turn, but then rains. and i gotta run all the way to hide from the rain with all their 5bags ;( it rains for whole saturday but choppy. dammit. The second time, all of us queued! haha. and a video was recorded. like it!! :D  
this was the second time i played Space shot, but it still scared the hell out of me LOL. when it first dropped down i was shocked and dumbfounded!! then, 'AHHHHHH OHMYGODDDDD!! AHHHHH' hahaha. i very timid one. Fuhhh~ my heart felt like skipped a heartbeat lol but then bianbian was more epic !! BUAAHAHHA ROFL! it scared his pants off. XDDDD should have record it down!! foul language all come out. same goes to jason. haha regret99 D:
Raining spoil our mood ! many of the games were closed and we were exhausted. bianbian was like fainting at anytime. lol seriously. 
back to hotel to rest. the super small hotel room. 2beds with 10people. took turns to bath and rest. then off for movie ! Weee~ just 3D is available i guess. my very first 3D movie. tehee.
but then ivy and me were so tired until we nearly fall asleep. No, we did fall asleep.haha! but we both got shocked by a scene. XD nice movie though
Here comes the problem, we got no idea how to sleep since everyone was extremely tired. ghee ky laolin jason went to Starbucks to chill and 6 of us sleep until they came back to sleep at 6am and then our turn to wander around outside. we even mora-ed to decide who to sleep on the floor since all of us insisted to sleep on the floor, except from bianbian -.- gentleman huh? sleep comfortably and laughing at us!! ==

thus, we woke up right after they came back. still blurring at that time, brushed the teeth and McD for breakfast with the pyjamas on XD and so ya, im super tired now. writing this post for hours ady haha
chitchat gossip till around 9 something then get back to ready. 

I enjoyed this trip. Love you all that brings laughters and joys for me   ^^
photos will up few days later perhaps? but ya all are not able to see that. hehe. to keep it as a 
little secret between me and you kay? hehe

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Xiao Wei :D

Countdown-ing. 24minutes to go..
But we had an advanced birthday celebration to her today. so called a surprise for her !cause according to pipi, there were many loopholes before we went there. HAHA. oops. we're doomed.

Ohya, its a celebration for ky's bday too. Happy Birthday Kingkong! *still very early.

Four of them asked ivy out for sing k at The Gardens starts from 11am, then we followed next. To buy the most required for birthday celebration/ surprise - Cake and pressie for low yuan. hahaha. nice Hawaii style printed boxer huh? like it? ;P as promised, must wear to Genting!! *but i still not confirm :(*  In order to prevent her suspicion, I purposely told her something last night. this is roughly how our conversation sounds like -

Me: so boring o tmr hol, dono what to do at home
Ivy: huh? i tot tmr go sing k at 1030?
Me: HAR????? y nobody tell me one??? 
       so bad de lor.... always 4gt me one :'(
Ivy: Har??! why like this? need to ask kopi?
Me: nonid la.. nvm la. i also very tired. can rest
       and i got business assignment to do tmr.
Ivy:or they ntyet confirm? i also duno got who going. go laaaaa
Me: dowan la. i got no money dy.. if im nt going tmr maybe i can go to Genting! :D
Ivy:then u save money for Genting trip leh :P

And so, i think its okay ady. Hiak hiakk! >:)  but still today, when they reach Redbox many things happened right? i also dono about the details but still, I hope u do enjoy it !! we really do spent a thought on how to celebrate the bday for you. AND ! i wanted to clarify that the present for ya is from everyone! not only me.. :D hope you like it! this idea just pop out from my mind-Spongebob would be better? :/ hmmph. Well, kokyuan's boxer is the best present ever ! right?? Blehhh. hahahaha! we should choose the lattice or stripe boxer! is even more to ahpek look. LOL. every photos are at sky, laolin and jiahui's camera. So.. i have no idea when are we going to get all pictures. lol. =x

Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVY @ XIAO WEI! and so to Low yuan. small small enough k? next week LOL! 

got 4 classes tmr D: lab has started. boring! 

Goodnight. have a nice day everyone :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011




像小偷。偷不完,偷完这个要偷那个,有完没完?!我是在忍着。 没出声你把我当病猫,爬着爬着,一次如果爬上头顶 ,会爆炸的。
发飊起来你不要怪我没给面子 !

Monday, May 16, 2011

broke $$

Ahhhh, im so broke now =( and they all soooottt dy! all so damn rich de lor. siao ehhhh. =.= zzz. i no mood liaw.
Calming down... okay,as what you've seen Ya i went out this sunday, KILL ME =( i kept saying that im nt going out on saturday right. but then i was so so so too too too very bored. then me n roomie wanted to go out just for window shoping! ya seriously just window shopping aint kidding!fifi hasn't come out since she gt back here.planned to go leisure mall/pav to wander and making time flies faster. HAHA. but ended up we went timesquare,uniqlo,fahrenheit and bought quite alotsa things as sky requested </3  didn't join them to the zoo..

once we reach Pavilion, i mean we just saw this

then we go back ady. HAHAH. snowflake. sorry fion. cause that time starting to rain, and we were super tired until I can feel my feet are going to cramp at anytime. ya =( as i said, my feet getting cramp easily. hate! :((  back by taxi somemore! == we got charged Rm30 per cab sob.double leh. :'(

well well, we got ourselves a memorable day.just 3 of us. fisrt time since we came kl! :DD yep. tired yet i do appreciate the day we spent together my loves
posing while children on next table were looking at us :P

papa john for lunch !

and we saw pravin, william n changren. so random lol i know. i also didn't expect to see them at there.
I bought a spaghetti since its super cheap from Kitschen (just cost me like Rm9:90! ) and then i bought a necklace !!!! like it, its simple la. looks feminine for me :) tehee. and some other things. got project. project >:)  
Firstly when we reached Timesquare, we saw Offline Blogshop at 1st Avenue. this is the reason why i guess, that make us stay for so long at ts. haha! many cute stuff there. heels, tops, bracelets, necklaces Woahh gorgeous stuff! and the one attract me is Craftedbymei!
check it out, its quite nice but the price is nicer LOL. According to the staff there, these are all made by those oku. great job if it is !! :D choosing at there for quite long time and took some photos for sure HAHA

then we went Uniqlo. and im very curious why would have so many people crazying for Uniqlo?? maybe im just not the ordinary :P kidding, im abnormal lah kay, fine. i knew it.
i like there! shop at fahrenheit99
after we took so many photos then we realize there's a 'No cameras' hahahah =x Oops.

忍一时风平浪静,忍忍忍 !
i feel like tired easily these days, Nights

p/s: there are many weirdo recently == mission must success !! 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

it's Saturday

idk it was my account problem or blogger's.. it'd some problems to log in and read my blog, after that my blog was able to be read only but cant sign in! it was so annoying. like b3 :P haha! im so bad.. ya. b3 like to vie things away from me :'( i hate b3 yet i cant do so. (U)

am currently in campus practice room accompany my roomie since i have nothing to do. you must be thinking that I'm weirdo right.who cares lalala~ i can listen to the songs anyway. HAHA.we planned to go out today, fifi hasn't go out since she came back. but i don have money liaw $.$ and still the Genting trip to think about. and sky feels boring if there are only both of 'em go out. they both want to have a new purse. Sorry for making the outing abolished =x 
Okay, everyone has back to their hometown. today is gonna be a Boring day as I'm the one who don't want to go out, i cant say anything xP
I'm just boring.. nothing to do :/ start of new semester, getting to know more freshmen. nop, they're not freshmen. i mean, getting to know more new people that i've never met. Hi all, nice to meet u :)
OK, i know they're not seeing this but i'm just being polite and nice here XD

and I need to improve my English who can be my teacher adn guide me :((

btw, weather lately is so darn hot.. barely rain, just for the day before yesterday once D: and everyone is getting sore throat, coughing and not fever please ! i hate fever! makes me feel awful. dizziness and nauseous bla bla are killin' mehhhh~ I couldnt bare with the hotness =S and because of it, i have ACNE again :(((( its freaking on my forehead. drink more water and take good care of youreselves! cause when you're sick and you're not at home, it'll getting more serious. Don't belive me? Ill + Homesick = crap LOL like seriosuly. heartbroken, will be missing mum so badly right :
but still if you have good roomate or housemate / friends is a great thing. like what im having :] we care for each other !
p/s: as i said, due to some technical problem, my previous post has vanished just like that! =(( idk where has it gone to! didn't save as draft also. Haihh. lazy to repost/type leh. >:(

Monday, May 9, 2011


I think i got many enemies. idk why. its my problem? so there are b1,b2 and b3. what they stands for? nt goin to tell u! Blehh. i just need to release stress. not to create problem here. so dont ask me! bet u know them too Hmmm...
just came back from Malacca. the super hot weather there !!!!!! YEAH, THE SUN WAS LIKE FLAME !!!! 
maybe u want to say i used to be dark right, i knew it. but not so dark la at least a lil fairer than this !! its a tough task for me to get a white skin. :((
Okay done with the weather/sun/skin thingy. this trip was so so so fun ! :D 
even if b1,b2 and b3,  u 3 keep appearing in my mind. its kinda annoying. ya >:( 

b3 cant u just stop it?? shit. 

and im feeling kinda hot . HAHA. sounds ss. i mean, im feeling that my body is a lil too hot, getting fever? Noooo ! but im starting to cough. nahh, i dowan that. its suffering. still din settle with the timetable thingy. this vex is so annoying can die. == 
will blog about the malacca trip soon, waiting my hair to dry then off to bed.
8am STUPID CE class tmr. Im shooo tired la
Bye, nights.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Woots ! as i wish to watch Fast5 so desperately FINALLY. we watched it today at Midvalley. and pongpong came to meet me. Again.. :) thanks pongpong! for fall into my trap :PP Blehh. pongpong craving for the pancake, so we went for it :) ya n her current profile pic is taken there . hehe. oh yah, and i bought a tee from SEED. there's really 50% discount. =)
just a simple tee

then... Fast5 :DDD
MUST WATCH !!!! if u think this is not nice come and take back the ticket money frm me. jz kidding =x
But seriously, this movie is AWESOME. u definitely won regret. superb, bravo! sexy cars, hot chicks, of course hot guys too ;)  feeling thrilled after watch. Im finally satisfied :b 
after that, Nando's for dinner . frankly, this is the first time i go for Nando's. dont laugh! everyone has his/her 1dt time kay. haha
was great ! some pictures taken. but will not upload now. cause, i haven pack. pack ? pack for what? 
and another finally, malacca trip is FINALLY here. tomorrow! i can say its today since its 12:27am dy :/ okay whatever, im so so so excited. charging battery, ready for pictures! =目
dono which bag / shirts/ what to bring. -.- 
i hope nothing 'special' happen. really do hope... we all wish to have a memorable trip .....

Ciao to pack. Bye. enjoy ur weekend peeps.
btw, welcome back roomie =)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


5may, actually today is the actual date of fast5 on cinema but i have no idea why it's available since.. 1may? im nt sure. but who cares, as long as i can watch it. i might watch it tonight. teehee..

Seeing that i can laugh, you know that im nt emo anymore. 女人是善变的动物. XD who admit that herself is an animal?! 
I was to agitated
but ya,  im very very emo last night. i couldnt remember when was the last time i cried at night. 
it been years! but 
ya, i cried.. ;(  there are some other things too...  =( ahhh. i dont wanna getting emo again. and its 
easier cz im alone in the effing room. feeling so lonely. I DONT WANNA THINK ANYMORE. shit
nice song! T.T

Fast 5 fast 5.. =___=


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Im emo tonight... You might think that im exaggerating. 
but i can say that my tears were almost streaming down just now. SERIOUSLY.
cause someone. hurt me.. Its my turn to ask! How can you define friend
If that is really what you think, fine.. you're making me furious. don make me dulan. what i wanted
to say is that : everyone got his/her limit. kay.. the whole world isnt just about u ! u keep thinking 
that you're unhappy unHAPPY UNHAPPY. but have you ever think of everyone is Unhappy because
of you???
i understand that there are many kind of people in this world.and im trying hard to get through with
it. or sometimes if im nt in the mood, ya. i can understand. but there are like infinity trifles... 

my patience has limits. im done here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

super tired days

i am freaking tired. TIRED ! YA !!

sunday when get back from kt by bus, boonshin's sis car broke down. we were like ... WHAT?! after sitting like 6hours stupid bus. (as his sis are going to send us back) then i gotta come back by lrt since they have to wait like 1 and half hours for the repairman or who ) boonshin send me to the lrt station and we both got lost -.-! Ya, he 4gt the way to there and there was raining CATS N DOGS zzz. we both running in the rain here and there.. and i was ALL WET like chicken. or cat. or whatever.. !everybody looking at me with the wet hair/shirt and a big luggage. Anyway it pass now. i was scared that i sick cause of the outing today :P and i clean my room and keep my stuff until like 1am.super tired..
Okay, after the whole exhausting night. monday comes. =)  
b4 went out
my bang looks weird laaa
they 3 cant make it. but i got my dearest pongpong :)))  love you
went to timesquare.chatime weee :D Again. hahaha. we went sg wang 1st, to take our brunch.
thn back to ts to buy movie ticket, thn sg wang n ts again -.-? ya, i can say that im really very tired that 
my leg cramp D: i hate whn my leg cramp, but it always do. i'll prefer to wear some comfy 
shoes to go out like, my nike. but sport shoes do not match a dress, do it? ==
took not many of pic. cause im nt really in the mood.
pongpongggg ;) 
Kopi Kopi =)

Phailedddd ! i nt dare to upload this on fb :P
AND SO, YA. IM SUPER DUPER TIRED RIGHT NOW. cant even think he to arrange my timtable.
Its start of sem3..
and my timetable is still is like shit! in mess.wtfl ! Arghhh >:(
goanna so campus even i don have class tmr. (don even sure which timetable to follow -.-)
can u see the pimple scar? =(  STESS99 LOL
Gonna start my shitty sucky life today, fml !
Btw, i miss u fifi :(((  Bye