
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

101? 10!

Yesterday was my 101posts. I just realized it when i checked. so its 102th now.
Ahh know its too late. thinking of what to write.. Hmm. 10things about me? eliminate the one behind. tehee =P 
Nah, 10things about you. I DO know you. so here you go 10facts about yourself. You'll definitely gonna salute me
I know 10 facts about you
1. You are reading this.
2. You can't say M without touching your lips
3. You just tried it
4. You just smiled or laughed.
6. You are a boy/girl.
7. You didnt realize I skipped 5.
8. You are looking back at 4 and 6.
9. You are liking this.
10. You are reading me telling you to like this.

tehee. am i right??? LOL. its only9 actually. and its a status found on Fb. =X

But i do know you my friend.
My friends who are just had their bio2 mid term are down now. Anyhow, ya all try your best right.
so that's it. Leave the rest to the God.You just finish your exam that you've been working so hard on it. screw the exam! enjoy tonight. 
We're still having Calculus and Ce (just me -.-) on Friday. let's work hard on the others. 

And my friend who just came back from clinic. Take good care of yourself please darling. 
If its electricity shut down tomorrow means that I need to start my revision tonight right 
Feel like i'm gonna ill again Noooo! more water please.

a 10 photos of me. LOL

Finish dinner and bye! study Ushhhh

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