
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm always hungry

It's 2:40am now. and I'm still awake for the sake of glucose. Hyper hyper. 

If you're my close friend, you know right. tehee. 
just came back from mamak. Ahhhh. so full cant sleep neh.
spare tyre big enough for me. will find something to do

And there will be electricity shut down at campus for whole day long! 8am -7pm
what to do? 
So I think I should study earlier. like.. today instead. mid term on fri. 
out for chill right after class. =P
Hope its on. miss jizai so much!
weeeee :D

I'll give 8 over 10 if got you compare with my friend here. OMG
Oh ya, do you miss ngan ngan btw? :P

too bad vern cant join us again!! 
I knw im fugly shit. with the braces somemore D: lol

and friends are having bio2 mid term tomorrow. I  know they are all still struggling with the bio shits. Gambatehhhh ! dont sleep in test tmr ya :P
studying or sleep?

lalala. he'll kill me
So i shall start with mine. 

p/s: shaddup


  1. OMG! I was burst into laugh at the end of this blog! Those photos are just too nice for me to laugh at! HAHAHAHA!
