
Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Oh today is 22 of June already! so fast. time flies. ya..
Phyewww. Just had my Physics and Business mid terms today. don't ask me how .. I have no idea.
mistakes, careless. as usual. I always always make careless mistakes! especially on test. Kill me
Don't really blog recently. 
Ya those mid terms! started to busy with this and that. even i still go out. Didn't make it Sorry to my dad and myself. Kill me x2
As the plan didn't goes like we planned on Saturday, pongpong and ar loo ajok me to Midvalley. Rare.. ya. especially ar loo. when i said, she still said : 1st time????? where got????! many times lorrrr.
LOL. zui hao shi :P talked alot alot that day. I've been missing them. my darlings , bestie. Grateful that I always have good best friends where ever I've been. Of course in UCSI too =)
cant wait if Winnie is coming too :DD then Kt kaki will be found all over cheras UCSI area. lol

Back to topic :- 
Sushi Zanmai finally!  I think I always be the one who keep talking. 
maybe I just feel boring when everyone is in silence. I just don't like. When you find me surprisingly quiet. I'm either not in the mood or sick. Or i was in sleeping mode. LOL  seriously.

And we were so full that our tummy couldn't squeeze in any food. our Moo cow is gone. lol next time ;) we forgotten about winnie. oops. okay, its me. 
well, we'll see again. maybe I'll see you until sien next time. haha. I hope I have the chance.

About the Friday, celebrated Ghee's bday at the same place. Midvalley, The Gardens. Italiannies finally too. finallys in two days huh. so you know why I;m falt broke now!! zz
and why the hell is going on with blogger or what ever shit? I can't upload pictures -.-
Its been days, and im still in ohmygodisawjay mood! and ya HEISCUTE!!! teheee  
btw, another husband Lee minho is fine now. In shooting of City Hunter again. 
Going to watch City Hunter epi 7,8. As I'm finally a lil bit slacken and they are watching Green Lantern. the green chooses you.. blahh.T_T

going to get my things done and mask, movie :p 
Work hard !!!! thanks to ... .=.=  Just do it! 
sorry if i hurt you.

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