
Thursday, June 16, 2011


YES YOU !Laziness. is you! i hate you :
making me skip my accounting tutorial today.
Oh no, sem3 really making people so lazy. Ahh
Its laziness, which makes me drink less water and sick
Ya, im ill. i think its because of.. you know, chocolates, biscuits, junk food. they are so tempting Oops
But no worries, am feeling better & better today.
maybe because of Jay?!? HAHAHA. perhaps

Is him jay who makes me skip my class? No, its still you laziness. Oh crap, i shouldn't skip it. 
3mid terms next week. OHYAH, how could i 4gt to blog about the stupid pop quiz thingy. 
As i said,
I REALLY HATE ACCOUNTING.No, is hate the lecturer.that day right, she gave us pop quiz. 10% eh. i really hate her to the deep. rolling in the deep lol  
We were too high last night and 'forgot' to sleep. haha. and when i woke up i just cant help myself but to fall asleep again. Ahhh. 
Ivy is going back tonight. and so do the others. Fathers Day right i know ;(  
Going to be alone in CE class tomorrow. Wuuuu~
Okay, but then i think i should calming myself down and get back to the work. 
cause maybe there will be outing /not sure yet. idk. just get prepared is better. 
here we go, come with me. There's a world out there that we should see. ROCKETEER!

Buckle up! Gooooo

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