
Thursday, November 22, 2012

what to do at home

Since everyone has back to their perspectives uni/col. I am bored to death like since last week I guess..
I've got things to do in home too. Ah 4's job everyday, wash and fold the clothes, boils water, cooks and stuff.
Now only I realize it's the first time I'm home alone. I mean like w/o any sisters in home. Every time I back for holiday since  foundation my little sis will be at home. It has been a habit for me that she'll be at home when I'm back. Since don't know when I've got her accompany me in home, in room or I can say wherever I go. I'll make sure she come along with me. Can't even imagine how'd I be, crazy? cause no one listening to my crap. I really don't know how are the feeling of the only children in the family, they'd be very bored right. or independent you say? :/
Ok cut the crap. Lemme teach you how to cook laksa! sounds like expert. Hahaha. There's always one good thing being home you know, is to EAT!
But this time is kinda salty. :( Mum miscued.
The book I read recently.
and the expired chocolate. tastes like Ferrero Rocher
Gonna get back next wednessday, one more week to slackkkk and I'll be back.
Don't feel like going back to work but yet don't like the bored-ness here. uggghhh. 660 flied away $$$$
Miss the moment in Cambodia somehow, its still feels good to travelling away.
Spent like a king in Cambodia, eat like a boss at home and so gotta work like a cow soon. Money money.

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