
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I should've blog the last part of our Cambodia trip, its like forever never ending I know, sorry for that. :|
Just wanted to say that I'm sad for leaving my sweet home by tomorrow. :'((((
I don't want to back to KL but I want my money more!! SAD TO MAX.
and hair just gotten worst, even thinking about chop it off.
but decision made, I'll just see how it grow for a little bit longer.
Is packer good? hmmm :/

Saturday, November 24, 2012


其实很懒惰再写下去,可是再也不想拖下去了 快速快决吧!哈哈
在暹粒的第三天(也是我们在柬埔寨的第三天 哈哈)是去了東南亞第一大淡水洞里薩湖。乘车去的一路上也见证了这里的贫富悬殊 左边都是比较贫穷的高脚木屋而右边是豪宅,就这么隔着一条马路 天壤之别。天这么黑真的是把我们都吓惨  一路上到上了船一直在念:最好不要下雨啊!
这里是他们的家,日常作息都在这湖上 多数是越南难民。
接下来你知道啦,又是一天奔波坎坷的路程。这次比上回从金边坐来暹粒的惊险很多,大家后来都没睡了都不知是害怕还是睡不着。抵达金边已经是天暗的时候,还上了两辆贼Tuk-tuk >:(

就是今天开始嗮黑的 T-T
下一站是去了Prison S-21/ Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum.
接下来去的是Killing field, 那里已经打理得很好很干净,所以感觉上比PrisonS-21还可以,(那里给人一种阴森森感觉 实在不舒服)可是那事件的受害者都是被带到来这里杀害 其实也没差。
很热情的Tuk-tuk driver带我们到Riverside 吃的晚餐。之前还帮我们买了口罩这里的人民真的很友善:')
又是Ah Mok
整间餐厅的墙壁贴满了顾客的留言,也发现很多来自大马的 还有一个应该FAIL了地理的。-.-
我们写了没有注明来自哪里可是大马人会一目了然的东西 XD

Thursday, November 22, 2012

what to do at home

Since everyone has back to their perspectives uni/col. I am bored to death like since last week I guess..
I've got things to do in home too. Ah 4's job everyday, wash and fold the clothes, boils water, cooks and stuff.
Now only I realize it's the first time I'm home alone. I mean like w/o any sisters in home. Every time I back for holiday since  foundation my little sis will be at home. It has been a habit for me that she'll be at home when I'm back. Since don't know when I've got her accompany me in home, in room or I can say wherever I go. I'll make sure she come along with me. Can't even imagine how'd I be, crazy? cause no one listening to my crap. I really don't know how are the feeling of the only children in the family, they'd be very bored right. or independent you say? :/
Ok cut the crap. Lemme teach you how to cook laksa! sounds like expert. Hahaha. There's always one good thing being home you know, is to EAT!
But this time is kinda salty. :( Mum miscued.
The book I read recently.
and the expired chocolate. tastes like Ferrero Rocher
Gonna get back next wednessday, one more week to slackkkk and I'll be back.
Don't feel like going back to work but yet don't like the bored-ness here. uggghhh. 660 flied away $$$$
Miss the moment in Cambodia somehow, its still feels good to travelling away.
Spent like a king in Cambodia, eat like a boss at home and so gotta work like a cow soon. Money money.

Friday, November 16, 2012

bff ♥

I am always grateful that I have an awesome family, amazing friends who always by my side..
and so honored to have a Bff like you!
Spend our quality times today, stick around together for whole day. hahaha
Its been like centuries since I last went to her house. Miss our primary school moments!
I knew her since like we were standard one. :)
We are Virgo babies, so there are somehow something same about us, we always have the same thought, we knew what we're thinking before we speak, maybe that makes us better idk. We still can talk like sister, we are like family, siblings together. Awwww
I love this! Idk when is the next time we can just chit-chat like this. Talk about everything, no awkward, no hidings.
I bet you really do, and you're gonna be so mad of this, but I don't care!
p/s: That's taken from a photo, and the dirt on my nose -.-


宾馆的早餐大概3-5$ USD

女生和男生生殖器官的结合 o.o


答案请scroll down
很漫长的一天!可是也不会很累,因为我们真的没什么走。租的那辆车,司机都很好。还很贴心的买了一打水给我们喝。待我们从一站出来,就会驾到我们面前来,根本没有在动。哈哈哈 所以其实这天也没有晒到黑。
我们真的是跑来这里当有钱人了。司机送我们回到宾馆等了我们洗澡准备大概45分钟然后去了按摩花了12$USD 晚餐吃的是自由餐还有表演看又是12$ USD。
照片实在太多,我想继续也不行呀。第三四天的行程只好再等下篇啦! :P