
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

101? 10!

Yesterday was my 101posts. I just realized it when i checked. so its 102th now.
Ahh know its too late. thinking of what to write.. Hmm. 10things about me? eliminate the one behind. tehee =P 
Nah, 10things about you. I DO know you. so here you go 10facts about yourself. You'll definitely gonna salute me
I know 10 facts about you
1. You are reading this.
2. You can't say M without touching your lips
3. You just tried it
4. You just smiled or laughed.
6. You are a boy/girl.
7. You didnt realize I skipped 5.
8. You are looking back at 4 and 6.
9. You are liking this.
10. You are reading me telling you to like this.

tehee. am i right??? LOL. its only9 actually. and its a status found on Fb. =X

But i do know you my friend.
My friends who are just had their bio2 mid term are down now. Anyhow, ya all try your best right.
so that's it. Leave the rest to the God.You just finish your exam that you've been working so hard on it. screw the exam! enjoy tonight. 
We're still having Calculus and Ce (just me -.-) on Friday. let's work hard on the others. 

And my friend who just came back from clinic. Take good care of yourself please darling. 
If its electricity shut down tomorrow means that I need to start my revision tonight right 
Feel like i'm gonna ill again Noooo! more water please.

a 10 photos of me. LOL

Finish dinner and bye! study Ushhhh

I'm always hungry

It's 2:40am now. and I'm still awake for the sake of glucose. Hyper hyper. 

If you're my close friend, you know right. tehee. 
just came back from mamak. Ahhhh. so full cant sleep neh.
spare tyre big enough for me. will find something to do

And there will be electricity shut down at campus for whole day long! 8am -7pm
what to do? 
So I think I should study earlier. like.. today instead. mid term on fri. 
out for chill right after class. =P
Hope its on. miss jizai so much!
weeeee :D

I'll give 8 over 10 if got you compare with my friend here. OMG
Oh ya, do you miss ngan ngan btw? :P

too bad vern cant join us again!! 
I knw im fugly shit. with the braces somemore D: lol

and friends are having bio2 mid term tomorrow. I  know they are all still struggling with the bio shits. Gambatehhhh ! dont sleep in test tmr ya :P
studying or sleep?

lalala. he'll kill me
So i shall start with mine. 

p/s: shaddup

Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh yeah

Oh yeah, uh huh~~ uh huh~~ *shaking butt*
JUST had accounting mid term. not very sure with those mcq Ahh..
But at least I got 20marks in hand I suppose ? with the income statement. not even balance sheet required. 
Thanks Ivy the chin soooo much! 
for teaching me. patient with me all the time, you know right.
Imma obtuse person O_O'

but who cares !! WOHOOO! 
nah, i care . lol 
Ce and calculus mid term on friday. lab report tonight. and Imma rock this friday !!! Rawrr. 
but for tonight, Put ya hands up !! hahaha. nice song weh. im fallin' for 2pm ; 
Enjoy the nice song from leng zaiiiss tehee

Sunday, June 26, 2011

need blessings

God bless me. Accounting mid term tomorrow. am really freaking nervous + frighten + tension + funk with the arrival of tomorrow
and i got clash with the business tutorial.. 谁叫我多事去换?-.- 
Okay whatever it is. I think i will not attend to Physics and Calculus not even Business tutorial
We'll see how then. 
first time sleep at 5,6am because of study. so not me. 
what a weekend i had. 
好想睡觉的样子 =|

I wan enjoy enjoy ENJOY next weekend! can I? after calculus & ce mid term that day! :D

Bye *yawn* 

Saturday, June 25, 2011


what you can see from this image?

Ya. im just too bored and did this.
From the image, you can find out that  I'm bored  of course. and the cute icons. haha. and im facing computer too much that leads my left eye hurt. and my name there :D
Suppose to be studying. But i'm hungry. and lazy. Saturday making me insane and lazy..
Boring boring!

and thanks pong pong for the Burlesque songs. make me feel want to re-watch it again.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Accounting day

Thanks Ivy for the teaching so much today.
Ivy sifu ! my mentor. my teacher. tehee.
Oh no.. i know im very slow in absorbing and digest. 
Oh no.. there are 3midterms on next week, i was mistaken. 
Accounting on monday!
Oh no.. one more lab report to finish ==
Oh no.. and i'm flat broke $$$$

Had our pizza dinner just now. with the pizza hut voucher. worth! three regular pizzas and two garlc bread cost us Rm35 ! around Rm6 per person. of course BIG thanks to kingkong and bianbian too. hehehe. 
Only valid till today, am not going to ask you to 'grab it now!! '. cause its mission impossible. LOL
Its cutie Nichkhun Birthday if I'm not mistaken. Happy birthday ! :D
cute de neh

watch City hunter first. sleep and accounting tomorrow! lab report somemore. 
Bye. have a nice weekend everyone :)

my eye hurt again D;

Thursday, June 23, 2011

appreciation; treasure

23 June 2011
Just another day in my life.
But there are two mid terms next week. and 1 at another week.
Oh no accounting ... sigh
after physics and business mid terms, feeling much loosen. 
Plenty incidents in this half semester . and I'm feeling so lifeless now.
I found this on Facebook
Parents, problems, friends, fakes, boys, love, crush, dating, responsibility, drama, heartache, failures, stress, happiness; It's life.
so true right?
Weeks left to go then sem break. then we'll start all over again to degree life. Degree! sounds horrible terrible vegetable to me!! LOL
I'm thinking am I wrong chosen ? But I know i cant turning back. just go with it. this is life.
(listening to David Choi San Dou's song. izit his song makes me emo? zz)

this is life. way to go. people grow up. we need and have and must to learn to confront with all those straits right.
So... people just have to learn. to become a grown-up.  you need to learn to think. by using your brain. like an adult.
need to be confident to ourselves. will try me very best from now on. don't wanna have regrets. 

Bear in mind . no one is perfect.
before you make the reckless conclusion about the others,
look at the person who stand in front of the mirror. 
I bet you can barely split something out from your mouth.
for your dreams !! 

Fly high !
Pictures that day cant be uploaded. tehee
be happy XD like sky captain

38 photo ! lol
blissful birthday girl 

xiao xiao hui :D

Sky captain with her love Ittalianies 

If you still feel discourage, you'll definitely LOL after seeing these. 
p/s: i do not upload normal photos. Not available for pregnant women and kids under 13!

our square love (kopi is is so seducing ! )
this is even more.... I cant control myself !!!
eagle? batwoman? what is that? idk! lol

jiahui was a lilttle annoyed =X

me and angel! we're so alike hor. sorry to angel. HAHA

STILL? THIS ! tai lei sei mei! lol

什么是形象?我早就把它丢在地上踩了 HAHAHA
Lastly, me loves.

Happy Birthday Love 
Be grateful with what you having. Appreciate it! don't ask for too much. And you'll be happy. simple joy . what you get is a handsome then :P

Im going to crazyyyy
for who did not wtach City Hunter. go now !!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Oh today is 22 of June already! so fast. time flies. ya..
Phyewww. Just had my Physics and Business mid terms today. don't ask me how .. I have no idea.
mistakes, careless. as usual. I always always make careless mistakes! especially on test. Kill me
Don't really blog recently. 
Ya those mid terms! started to busy with this and that. even i still go out. Didn't make it Sorry to my dad and myself. Kill me x2
As the plan didn't goes like we planned on Saturday, pongpong and ar loo ajok me to Midvalley. Rare.. ya. especially ar loo. when i said, she still said : 1st time????? where got????! many times lorrrr.
LOL. zui hao shi :P talked alot alot that day. I've been missing them. my darlings , bestie. Grateful that I always have good best friends where ever I've been. Of course in UCSI too =)
cant wait if Winnie is coming too :DD then Kt kaki will be found all over cheras UCSI area. lol

Back to topic :- 
Sushi Zanmai finally!  I think I always be the one who keep talking. 
maybe I just feel boring when everyone is in silence. I just don't like. When you find me surprisingly quiet. I'm either not in the mood or sick. Or i was in sleeping mode. LOL  seriously.

And we were so full that our tummy couldn't squeeze in any food. our Moo cow is gone. lol next time ;) we forgotten about winnie. oops. okay, its me. 
well, we'll see again. maybe I'll see you until sien next time. haha. I hope I have the chance.

About the Friday, celebrated Ghee's bday at the same place. Midvalley, The Gardens. Italiannies finally too. finallys in two days huh. so you know why I;m falt broke now!! zz
and why the hell is going on with blogger or what ever shit? I can't upload pictures -.-
Its been days, and im still in ohmygodisawjay mood! and ya HEISCUTE!!! teheee  
btw, another husband Lee minho is fine now. In shooting of City Hunter again. 
Going to watch City Hunter epi 7,8. As I'm finally a lil bit slacken and they are watching Green Lantern. the green chooses you.. blahh.T_T

going to get my things done and mask, movie :p 
Work hard !!!! thanks to ... .=.=  Just do it! 
sorry if i hurt you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


YES YOU !Laziness. is you! i hate you :
making me skip my accounting tutorial today.
Oh no, sem3 really making people so lazy. Ahh
Its laziness, which makes me drink less water and sick
Ya, im ill. i think its because of.. you know, chocolates, biscuits, junk food. they are so tempting Oops
But no worries, am feeling better & better today.
maybe because of Jay?!? HAHAHA. perhaps

Is him jay who makes me skip my class? No, its still you laziness. Oh crap, i shouldn't skip it. 
3mid terms next week. OHYAH, how could i 4gt to blog about the stupid pop quiz thingy. 
As i said,
I REALLY HATE ACCOUNTING.No, is hate the lecturer.that day right, she gave us pop quiz. 10% eh. i really hate her to the deep. rolling in the deep lol  
We were too high last night and 'forgot' to sleep. haha. and when i woke up i just cant help myself but to fall asleep again. Ahhh. 
Ivy is going back tonight. and so do the others. Fathers Day right i know ;(  
Going to be alone in CE class tomorrow. Wuuuu~
Okay, but then i think i should calming myself down and get back to the work. 
cause maybe there will be outing /not sure yet. idk. just get prepared is better. 
here we go, come with me. There's a world out there that we should see. ROCKETEER!

Buckle up! Gooooo


Hey peeps, I JUST SAW JAY CHOU!!!! neh ne ni bu bu. Yeah, i can show off tonight. Just let me Laaaa~ 
Ya thanks to Jason aka xiao ma er @ horny. he sms-ed me that Jay Chou is at MidValley. And so, Fion, Peek and me fly there ! of course right? Its Jay ehh !! its not nobody. Its JAY CHOU. he's more than somebody. weeeeee, ya im very excited
Jason told me that Jay is at Center court of Mv but then we went there by cab and we saw ktm Midvalley there was something like filming. and yeahhh. there is him ;DDD
then we three standing just right in front of him. *even there was some distance* tehee. 
at some time he was looking at us! we three act like 花痴 HAHAHAHA.
and when peek took her dslr out. and a guard shouted at her 呃, 肥的 ! -.- 
all i can say is attitude of all his staffs are sucks ! totally.. lousy. But who cares, it still didn't spoil our mood.
Again, the staff shouted : Jaga-jaga, bagi lalu. i didn't mind and just turned around again.
until peek shouted : 周杰伦,周杰伦 !!
but then what i saw was just his hair ~~ Wuuuu T-T
Fion and peek said 别人要看他一根毛都不能啊 ! LOL and when he looking at us right, he was like acting cool in front of us! LOLL .
We're really lucky that, so lucky!
Peek :' 真的是天时地利人和,连周杰伦都配合 ! '我真的很赞同 hahaha 
The night still young is just so right for us. I think we just took a round of photos for like an hour?! HAHAHAHA

Hiii. =) 

They're sooo fast! HAHAH

Yep, stop rubbing your eyes.that's me XD


Brush our teeth and..

Nights ♥♥

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sooo fast. time flies. its middle of June already. 3 mid terms on next week. Sad. but what make me heartbroken is that ngan ngan cant make it on this week. SUPER SAD :((( really miss her so muchhiieee. </3 next time next time. hope we got the chance. cant wait for it :(
Ohno, i just miss this so much!!
Miss the time we used to spend our free time in the class gossiping . ohno ohno, emo night. 
When are we going to make it an outing with all of you girls? like harder than digging gold. :((( grieved, why is it so hard? i just dont understand. 

Ohyah, All the best in the test ya Ivy and friends. they studied hard and played hard LOL.
oops. seen something shouldnt have seen x.x Nooo~ i dint see it. 
We found a VERY STRATEGIC AND NICE HOUSE . just right infront of north wing campus. Oh, totally worth it. the price is reasonable too. but me and ivy just cant make it
and, im so gonna miss this my friends T-T

we looked so happy here ! =D

Still, gambateh in everything !!! 