
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

二姐和小妹都到KL了。闲至暴毙 =v= 连小妹也没得被我弄
加上我刚生好病,只好放诗凯的飞机。对不起!本来是要参加她的Bbq 可是看来好像大家都不去了?不清楚。算了。真的很懒去理这些。

假期就剩一周多几天。不够用啊 T-T 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

hate being sick

Everyone does right.
Yes and i'm gonna freak out soon. 
I really hate it so much.
and I'm sweating for whole day. Idk how to explain but we do make ourselves to sweat right when we're sick and then we'll feel better after that. and i CANT wash my hair. FFFFFUUUUUU
cause I getting flu and fever and cough. -.-
*sniff sniff* 
what doesn't kill you make you stonger
Yayy I'll be back soon. real soon :)

Friday, December 16, 2011


Apparently. I'm toooo lazy to update my blog. and I'm not sorry cause I don't have readers.
and I do have some, who actually also in holiday mood. which make us all soooo lazy and just feel like slacking around.
Since the last post about what I've been exciting about December, ya.
I came KL to shop seriously. just for fun. weee. bai ga lui ikr. TEHEE
actually this is the last day I'm here. currently at Puchong. the second time I been here. only twice. so faaaar.
and I wanna thanks to everyone of you who helped me out these days. for sending me here and there. Thank you sooo much.
whoa, had a great week here :D 
Went Sunway, 1U, Midvalley Times square ( even twice ) :O I'm seriously proud of myself. 
My feet are sore aint kidding.
I do what I have to 
catch up, gossiping with friends and sleep like sardin even we can sleep in a better and comfortable way. haha we're such bitches. miss them so much.
meet up with my sisters.
chill; movie time!
and got broke
ALL CHECKED. hahahaha
the guys are going to watch Mission impossible! while I listening to the song alone here arghhh :(
nah its okay. i'm seriously exhausted already.
不甘愿 face
Nothing much. just some random stuff. 
Oh before that, 

feel free to watch this. This girl is overflowing with talent. awesome. 
too many amazing song she sang. Rolling in the deep, How to love. just check her out!
she's the one who featured Just A Dream with Sam Tsui.
she should be famous. she deserves to. 
btw she's pretty right?? Christina Grimmie yu rawkk \m/

Saturday, November 26, 2011


哇~~~ 原来我酱多天没有更新部落格了哦 :O
照理说假期时期,应该善用难得有的宝贵时间来充实自己,做些有意义的,增加知识 bla blaaa~~~~ =.=
只活在自己的世界里,世界隔绝了。都没有跟朋友联络。好想念你们 :(
可是,另一方面想,我辛苦的熬过了可怕又可恶的short sem 才有的难得的长假咧。是不是应该为所欲为?有一点用词不当。管他的。总之我就可以享受我的生活,那就是...吃喝拉撒 >:)
只是一个想法而已。哈哈哈哈哈 。
太~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 舒服了
我想你也没有兴趣知道我在追什么戏了吧?每次更新就只是说这些。总之,距离上次的post 我已经看完两部了。哈哈哈。
因为很多朋友都开始放假回来了,而且放到3 月 :O
因为两位大学朋友有极大的可能性会来我们这两天或许一天半就走完的瓜拉登嘉楼,太感激你们了! 牺牲小我,完成纾欣 :]
因为伟大的马先生让我去KL血拼购物. wohooo~~ 你觉得我很好笑?可是当你来到这里你就明白什么是闷到发慌了。一个星期,不!一天?哈哈
因为有一班死党 (其实没有到一LOL)在这里,每天到处lepak 。早餐,晚餐,夜宵统统来,就只有午餐还没有一起吃到。因为那时是黄金时候,超忙的,走不开。XD
咳,明天又少了一个‘脚’。回UKM 去了。:(  还有很像他的室友跑来这里玩几天,哈哈。太搞笑了,都是同一类人,不错!哈哈。还好男生都有共同话题那就是打机。不然他早就闷死了
妈说我前世和红蚂蚁有仇,我是真的从小被咬到大的 =.=
说实话,KL也真的没有看得到的星星 :O
海边的风超大的! 可以把 ngan ngan 吹走!不是开玩笑的。海浪很高很高,真的很可怕啊。看着我都担心突然海啸袭击都不懂往哪里跑 。=S
头发要怎样啦.这很闷是不是? :(

Thursday, November 17, 2011


就因为这样妈担心我影响到正在考SPMMiss Kool 所以遣我去姐的房间睡 :(
所以我每天必做的事情 :-
吃午餐 (如果可以尽量偷懒上一下下网)
马先生所谓的HappyHour 哈哈  (也偷懒上一下网)有时索性不下去了。直接上网到关店时间LOL 然后妈上来就被骂几句
6 之前Miss Kool 下午晚上还有课外补习,我就负责当她的专人司机。现在开始考大考了,补习全搞定了。反而我每天要背熟她的考试时间表,负责载她回家。而且不能迟到,司机会挨骂的
怎样?就是这样 no life 啦。如果是你应该自杀死掉算了对不对?哈哈
结果每逢星期五是我的天堂, 不用酱死鬼早起身 -.-
我要shopping 我要买很多东西啊。正在很努力的存钱!我可以的!哈哈
如果傻大姐真的是换那份工我就爽死了 :目
接下来还有很多戏要看,绯闻女孩,间谍明月 bla bla....

Have a nice weekend :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011









很可爱的男女主角 :D

後來... 请自己去发掘这奥妙的故事。哈哈
觉得很特别,很创意。喜欢这部戏的感觉。果然是幾米 :)



Saturday, November 12, 2011


Yes. I am so lazy and i do not deny! // chui a?
As I said, I've been watching dramasss since the day my sem break starts. 
Prison break down Vamp Diaries down  proud of myself LOL.
just let me, i dont have the time to watch since the last god damn short sem. i hate it!
luckily its just once in a year. lol good thing? :/
and sometimes did you realize when you keep watching drama for whole day long it's exhausting in the other way.
and so i always change posture when im watching drama. haha!
happily on the chair! :D
started to feel uncomfortable on the bed
and finally. haha
Vamp diaries is so damn nice! :D 
cant wait for next episode. and a week is so long for me now :((
I'm looking forward for every monday from now. 
such a doll! pretty her  
In order to avoid this kind of situation again, I decided not to watch Gossip Girl first. haha
except from drama/ movie, what I do, find songs.
I cant live without music.
and guess what? Jay's new album is finally released! :D

Jay looks cute in this mv :D

some other songs I'm listening recently 
Beyonce - Love On Top 
go check out the mv of this song. she looks amazing inside
Lil wayne - How to love (Sam Tsui cover)
Katy Perry - The One that Got Away
Jessie J - Domino
Hot Chelle Rae - I Like It Like That

Gonna watch Starry starry night tonight. tehee.
Goodnight and goodbye :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm just love the one we called family

:目 :目 :目 :目 :目 :目
Dont get it? just turn your head to anticlockwise 90 degree. haha.
I'm bliss. at least for now. hehe. 
I bet this feeling will be gone so soon. haha.
Imma going crazeeeeey. I dont want i dont want i dont want :'( 
who the hell am i actually talking to?

- - F U U U U U H H H H H H - -

Hi, I'm back. I am Yap Nana. lol.
where were we? hmm.
Okay, start from zero.
我家的傻大姐 decided to come back to give my mum a little surprise.
its not any surprise like what peek done bbq or whatsoever, it is just a little one. 
but its not like for the parents.
So here's what we plan-
29 Oct
10pm 傻大姐 got into bus and called me.
            me sleep. (suppose to be and i resume with my prison break lol) 
30 oct
4am wake up and fetch her. what a good sister she has right? Lol
       I was so scared that i couldnt make it and she will 
       scolding me for few centuries. lil sis and me woke up  
       And i texted her once i woke up, "where are u "
       傻大姐  replied "notyet marang kua "
       i was like WTH! and sleep back with waking up every    
       30seconds i guess. @@ super tired but have to keep awake. 
       turned on the light and lay unconsciously on the bed 
       while waiting for her reply.
4:30am Finally recieving a god damn message from 傻大姐  and then 
       me and sis acting like a 007 mission. haha. so funny! we 
       not even dare to bang the door of car like usual. 
5am  finally reach bus station, go for breakfast of course! i'm 
     having a great time at kt. nasi minyak, pan mee( the nicest 
     i ever had seriously!), gon lou mee, paun YUMMY ^^
found on internet but this is exactly the one from kt i assure! :D
            and some home-make food by mum so sure! keropok nom 
     we were thinking whether we should go back home or shop.
     wrong decision jia! we should have got back to home. so 
     that's a normal surprise.
     parents got another surprise from us.
     my dad thought lil sis and me 离家出走. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. this   
     is freaking funny. 
     mum said: "我的女儿哪里会离家出走的 ==" :)
     and i got scold because of 傻大姐's shitty plan T.T
31 Oct
8pm    brought out the cake that i've bought it earlier.

new york cheese
       a really early birthday surprise for mum.
       hope she's happy. cause we dont really celebrate birthday/ 
       fathers/mothers day in my home.
all the best to 傻大姐 in choosing the right career for her after three interviews.
think carefully and go for it. :D
After days and days of chasing drama I'm really exhausted.
everyday sleep at late night and waking up so early :( 
*sigh* somehow its kinda boring here in this kampung.
guys and girls!
Prison break is awesome! I'm watching season4 started last night. :D
Haha. i know i know. its a 6-year-old drama but it still didnt change the fact that it is nice right? lol
2 hawty brothers  
Ahhhhhhh going crazy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
在家里的宅女look. 还是发hiao look? XD
recently find out some old videos/songs are really soothing kind and nice.
feel free to go search for them, you'll love it! :)

Brown eyed girls - My style (acoustic version)
Brown eyed girls - Sign (acoustic version)
SNSD - Gee acoustic version
Justin Bieber - Mistletoe

p/s gotta enjoy my last day tmr :(

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

it is all over..but it's party time!

Final is over and me over too. Game over.
Im reeeeeeaally worrrrrrry about it. ;( seriously.
dont tell me something like : 'you won't get Fail one la. trust me'
You trust me! i know what i did on my paper. this time really dua tai chi.

Moved our stuff to our new house the next day. It was a looooooong day. tiring day.
On weekend, finally it comes the big outing with my lovely old friends. another tiring day I can say.
But i really love it. how this feeling of tired comes. unlike the tiredness cause by study. its totally different cases. 
Gonna start my happy day story.
super excited :目
some one ruined my beginning of happy day.
I accompanied my beloved roomate for breakfast as she got flight to go for. Oh i forget to take photo with her. we're no longer roomate next sem fyi :(
went to our new house at north wing, i mean. walked to close the lamp. we forgotten to off the light when we were off. -.-
I got back to my room, and online online until 10+ am. pongpong urge me on Facebook to be fast as lemon already reached cyber. I was like O___O i didnt even bath yet!
RUSH like shit bla bla and I reached Timesquare like 11 something 12. 
wait................. for an hour.
Kitschen always is the first shop that pops out from my mind
and guess what. I've seen this exactly the same pattern of piece at Forever21 that tagged RM85 if I'm not mistaken. but it only cost me RM15.90 @ Kitschen! 
grab it for sure :D
and finally i get some texts. the guys came and catch me up. off to Pavilion! 
they watched their Paranormal Activity3 but. no thanks! i was hungry like I can eat a cow.
get some food then. pongpong didnt go at last. me and peiyin, best partner to zak pongpong ^^
the Ben's

she always got the 贵妇 look. =x

she get annoyed cause I kept on capture :P

still smile hor!!!
I always hate how i look by dslr D:
went for Pavilion lvl6, Tokyo Street. there was nothing much but many restaurants.
I couldnt find gong it that nice? so gonna try it out someday! 
camwhore a must

after lunch, Farenheit 88- our next station.
there was some brand named... @ Sephora
super funny! hahahaha
ar loo make my shopping mood on! D: I wanna shopping!!!!
while waiting for ar loo. started to tired. weak me D:
mean while good timing, guys finished their sucks movie. according to them. pongpong should glad that she didnt go for it.

Guys gotta go get something at Low Yat so here we go, again! 
we were so tired already so we girls just rest outside, eat 咖喱鱼旦 and get some drinks.
the fourth pic is funny! too hot ey? XD
this is so funny! actually i rearrange it. but still funny. couldnt upload it on Facebook. errors can you tell me why?! ughhhh.
they people try so hard to finding where Levain is. and i tried so hard to capture human's ugly side :目 
I got many photos of ar loo glared at me. HAHAHA.//
okok, I can hear she's nagging me right now.
Well, with the help of the Goddess GPS. here we are!
finally we're here!! :D
cream puff is nice!  
the happy ambassador XD
goodbye Leavin.
It was a long way to go to Ampang road, Look Out Point. but luckily we made it without many difficulties. Credits to the GPS's. phewww :D

me look ugly here! :( but one and only nice pic of us.
All in all, this is the nicest outing ever so far. we spells awesomeness! :DDD
happy night which wipe out my worrit temporarily.
Thanks guys. love ya'll always