
Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm just love the one we called family

:目 :目 :目 :目 :目 :目
Dont get it? just turn your head to anticlockwise 90 degree. haha.
I'm bliss. at least for now. hehe. 
I bet this feeling will be gone so soon. haha.
Imma going crazeeeeey. I dont want i dont want i dont want :'( 
who the hell am i actually talking to?

- - F U U U U U H H H H H H - -

Hi, I'm back. I am Yap Nana. lol.
where were we? hmm.
Okay, start from zero.
我家的傻大姐 decided to come back to give my mum a little surprise.
its not any surprise like what peek done bbq or whatsoever, it is just a little one. 
but its not like for the parents.
So here's what we plan-
29 Oct
10pm 傻大姐 got into bus and called me.
            me sleep. (suppose to be and i resume with my prison break lol) 
30 oct
4am wake up and fetch her. what a good sister she has right? Lol
       I was so scared that i couldnt make it and she will 
       scolding me for few centuries. lil sis and me woke up  
       And i texted her once i woke up, "where are u "
       傻大姐  replied "notyet marang kua "
       i was like WTH! and sleep back with waking up every    
       30seconds i guess. @@ super tired but have to keep awake. 
       turned on the light and lay unconsciously on the bed 
       while waiting for her reply.
4:30am Finally recieving a god damn message from 傻大姐  and then 
       me and sis acting like a 007 mission. haha. so funny! we 
       not even dare to bang the door of car like usual. 
5am  finally reach bus station, go for breakfast of course! i'm 
     having a great time at kt. nasi minyak, pan mee( the nicest 
     i ever had seriously!), gon lou mee, paun YUMMY ^^
found on internet but this is exactly the one from kt i assure! :D
            and some home-make food by mum so sure! keropok nom 
     we were thinking whether we should go back home or shop.
     wrong decision jia! we should have got back to home. so 
     that's a normal surprise.
     parents got another surprise from us.
     my dad thought lil sis and me 离家出走. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. this   
     is freaking funny. 
     mum said: "我的女儿哪里会离家出走的 ==" :)
     and i got scold because of 傻大姐's shitty plan T.T
31 Oct
8pm    brought out the cake that i've bought it earlier.

new york cheese
       a really early birthday surprise for mum.
       hope she's happy. cause we dont really celebrate birthday/ 
       fathers/mothers day in my home.
all the best to 傻大姐 in choosing the right career for her after three interviews.
think carefully and go for it. :D
After days and days of chasing drama I'm really exhausted.
everyday sleep at late night and waking up so early :( 
*sigh* somehow its kinda boring here in this kampung.
guys and girls!
Prison break is awesome! I'm watching season4 started last night. :D
Haha. i know i know. its a 6-year-old drama but it still didnt change the fact that it is nice right? lol
2 hawty brothers  
Ahhhhhhh going crazy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
在家里的宅女look. 还是发hiao look? XD
recently find out some old videos/songs are really soothing kind and nice.
feel free to go search for them, you'll love it! :)

Brown eyed girls - My style (acoustic version)
Brown eyed girls - Sign (acoustic version)
SNSD - Gee acoustic version
Justin Bieber - Mistletoe

p/s gotta enjoy my last day tmr :(

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