
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year - 2013!

Happy New Year folks! How did ya' all spend your new year's eve last night?
Mine was simple and quite funny I think. who on earth even think of bringing a cake with 'Bye bye 2012!' on to celebrate NYE? so cute of her.
one thing that we all felt the same, we feel old. D;
All I wanted to say is, I think I made the right choice for coming back home even only for this few days.
Really really. There was one day I wake up and feel like I'm in heaven. No joke.
Otherwise I don't think I'll ever be able to get some rests. I'll end up watching dramas or hanging out with friends spending money again and again. And that's totally me. hahah I knew it.
Just had my home made dinner. superrr satisfying! 
Feeeeeeel goooooood to be hoooooome.

You'd probably sick of this sentence but I'll never sick saying it. hehe

I know there is no point of posting this photo but this is kind of my feeling now :) 
and I dont like post without photos, its boring right? I think. When I do post w/o photos its mean I'm in rush.
Right, New Year Resolution.
There is no such thing in my dictionary. Cause I know I would never execute them, like zero possibility.
But I do have some stuff on my mind. All I need is gut.
Happy New Year once again!
p/s: I know I made promise for some posts. just too busy relaxing in my home but soon!

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