
Friday, January 11, 2013

Penang Trip '13

Yayyy! As I mentioned earlier, the Penang trip was fun. I guess.? (which we actually waste a lot of time during the first two days and ya this is our 3days2night trip. so basically we just waste everything) hahhaa
Anyhow, we enjoyed ourselves as long as we stick together, we can do silly things wherever we like.
What's about Penang? Food!
The food we had during the 3 days. Its actually not that much though. We had laksa for like dont know how many times. and Y AM I TORTURING MYSELF BY EDITING THIS IN THE MIDDLE OF NIGHT?!
Another thing is that Penang is now full of tourists because of the street arts/mural paintings. I'm sure you've heard of it right.
This one is the kind made of wire.
bumped into Moon Tree 47, just right beside of this Little Girl In Blue mural.
Moon Tree 47 is an art gallery| guest house | cafe. But one thing that I don't really like is the bossy boss.

Tok tok mee!
I know its boring but Yes I am still going to upload the photos because we are dying finding those. D;
Oh ya and sad to tell that I was sick on the second day, it was the first day night to be specific. I was just feeling nauseous without any clue of what's happening. Luckily it all turned better after a couple of panadol taken. Sad case, this always happens to me :(
and next, to Kek Lok Si.
almost thrown up when I was up there D;
Oh ya there are rapid buses in Penang too. There's one last thing I want to complaint. hahaha
The bus is not rapid at all! we waited down there for like an hour or more until the holy and only 204 to go to Penang Hill when it actually just a 15 minutes ride from there! ughhh. so much time wasted!
night view from Penang Hill is superb but it was a coooooool night :)
Our last day starts and ends with bicycle rent from our guest house. 
It was a fine day to cycle and then it just turn out to be sunny :(
All the parodies by us :P
sad case that this was damaged :(
the next thing you know you're already a ready meat to be eaten.
 Off we go. see you next time Penang! We still missed a lot of food to be eaten next time because many of the shops closed on Sunday :( its weird isn't it?
That's all for the Penang trip, will update soon.
Tomorrow is shopping day! Good night :D

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