
Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Am trying to have healthy lifestyle recently.
As I said we old people, are real old. And the bad part is we are having the suck-iest timetable of the year. Classes for 4days Monday to Thursday, we've got 3days of 8am class. and the worst of all is when you got a BIGGGG gap like 6-7hours on Wednesday. Thank you uni, seriously. o______o 
Which is.... also why I had to make some adjustment to our lifestyle, to sleep early and wake up early.
4subjects and 4 with labs. so yeah, no joke. This shit is getting real tough.
Report repooooooooort!
Wake up early, class, cook, eat, exercising, stay positive, and CN Blue.
Basically this is just my recent boring and old people routine.simple and bliss. but I totally love it.
Pump it up folks!
Falling deeeeep in love with CN Blue again. Thanks to Robert chew. hahaha
Did you listen to their new mini album? Congrats CN Blue for performing instruments live after 3 years, and their comeback stage is incredible! :D
My two favourite songs out of the album. cant stop replaying! :)
Life is good. I guess..
because CN Blue exist to make a better world. lolollllll 

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