
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hanging out before the final. is a must. for every semester since foundation. lol
meeting up with le hons.
le pong pong
normal photo just doesn't suit us
le sweet pie
Oh yeahhh. many more crazy photos which should be stayed unseen. stupidity overload.
and I'm here strongly recommend you guys who haven't watch The Hunger Games, don't hesitate to go for it!

Oh ya, we even went for celebrate Starbucks the earth hour. so supportive right! to get the free frappucino of course. lol.
interesting weekend? hmm.
Finish the presentation. yayy finally. but one more assignment to go. 
our group member w/o ivy chin
 Mr Taha's cute daughter!
Finally, its final time.
Hi we meet again final. 
to the third sem of Year 1 so soon. 
feel like goin' crazy. am I wrong...?
Yes or No

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