
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm back to KT again

finally I'm back to mah sweet sweet home :DDDDD
feel so relieved. I dont know why. There are no reasons. Just feel like.. this is what we all looking for from  HOME isn't it :)
ahhh. much much love ❤'s  weeeee :D
spot the sweet purple nail color, gonna change to green soon
gonna have haircut or whatever soon. x leh tahan ><
Hmm. new nail polish bought yesterday. tehee. finally! I get to tried some bright color that I always dont dare to. 
What you need just a little of courage to make some changes. The hardest part is to gain some.
Dont you think? hmm. yeah.. 
Oh, speaking about yesterday. We have so much to thank our driver jason mah who drives all the way from damansara to cheras (fetching us) to 1U and then sending us back to cheras again. thank you!  
Lol. we're mean girls.
I am not satisfied with the shopping grrr. but I have to save monehhh $_$ *cry*
and I am going to Dreamz Bakery one day! wanna try out the cakes so badly! *cry again*
About the movie we watched - Mirror mirror.
yeah, you know its snow white story by its tittle. no doubt, its a fairy tale kind movie which has a very beautiful snow white. hahaha. 
The most beautiful Snow white ever - Lily collins
she has gorgeous eyes
love how she look in this!
Inspite of the pretty snow white I don't think there's any other attraction to be frank. LOL
The Hunger Games and Battleship are better options. 
Blahhh bla bla. 
imma off to enjoy my keropok.
Happy holidays! 


  1. I dont really know you update so many post dy. Coz at my link there, your blog never update. -_-
    Anyway, I saw my name!! goin back to KT soon and steal your keropok. XD

  2. HAHA! yeah cause I've changed it to private again.
    snow white wee! you are welcome to steal it XD
