
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bang bang, 2 down!

Two more subjects to go.
Go gooooo!
I think I'm the kind of person that need a loooooot of stress then only could have something done, very well.
Yes. at the VERY last minute.
I slept at 4am and woke up at 630am because I was scared that I overslept. even I set my alarm at 7am.
really scared that I couldnt wake up on time and decided not to sleep again, in case.
and so, I started to study w/o feeling sleepy at all. The other day was before math exam, slept at 7 and woke  up at 11pm. I is really terrifically shocked. by myself. so I discovered another side of me. Lol?
You'll know this phenomena is so abnormal, only if you know me well. but I'm still not going to sleep right now.
Weibo, twitter, Youtube dou ba yi xia. hohoho~
On the final week, we are all zombie-fied.
le swollen eyes @@
Ok, its time to trim mah eyebrows again. LOL
don't want to think about the damn physics and maths1 again. dayum.
next battle's on Friday, EIS and chem2, combo again. so let's try our best of the best! 
Our goal : to Redang.
We can do this!
p/s : there are so many things that I want to do :(  right after final. here I come TEHEE

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