
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hot Air Balloon Festival Putrajaya 2012

It was quite a last minute plan of us. again. lol
since the crazy friends are longing to go so badly. so here we go....!
we lost at first and then finally reached the counter where ticket sold around 4+am.
Luckily we decided to go at 4am at last. the queue was so long and only 300 were sold at the morning session. :O 
all I feel is hungry and sleepy. Oh ya, and thanks for the breakfast from soo qing's friend. it means a lot. lol
Preparing the hot air balloon around 7am

showing off our tix after 3hours of waiting!
queuing up :D
let's go!

this is so cute like it's peeping at us :D
the view from top
credit to the abang. TEHEE
coming down 
spot the cute balloon.
There are many more activities such as rock climbing, helicopter joy ride (that cost you RM 130 per ride), paint ball, zorbing, mini motorbike, waterball which I wanted to try out so badly. But the weather is so hot and we are all exhausted from suffering the torment of these days by assignment submission and mid term. Like really devastated. mostly because of the shitty weather! 
I'm so going to try this out some day. Ya. someday. 
This is the 4th year of having Hot Air balloon festival in Putrajaya. It's worth for me. So, i would recommend you guys to go for it if you're free but not this year. H.Airballoon fest 2012 ends today. too bad.
So join it next year! 
* all the photos credited to Ivy chin and because of this she isn't in almost every pictures taken :( *

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