
Friday, March 30, 2012


几天都在熬夜,没睡觉,同一天内有test 和 presentation。 已经好几天了。
Redang~~~ :D
呵呵呵。我这个weekend 还出去wet 咧。我很欠揍。
其实明天早上9am 有EIS的presentation, 330pm 有maths1 test.
希望她仁慈点,test1 还有mid term 已经死到很惨了。T_T

my mood turns good when I open my blog and heard Big bang :D

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Done the evaluation thing and then course selection today morning. Was so scared and nervous.
I'm so nervous even thinking about the subjects that I'm going to take next sem. *goosebump*
srly, those are tough. :(
what can I do..
still scare. T__T
finished ALL the mid terms! and now test 2.
seeing the roomate and friends. I'm so scared to take the subjects next semester.
Before I end this post, listen to this peepo. They're freaking awesome.
every members of BIG BANG are so talented and they sound like record. go on click on the video! :D

never get bored of this song BAD BOY! this is  
currently bump into this group and got into them, Clazziquai Project!
so soothing can melt me.
How I found this group? its Dream High 2!
yeah, the songs from Dream high 2 are all gooooood.
Epi 16 is it the finale. sadddd feel free to check out the songs on my blog at the right hand side :)
waiting for the pongpong but I'm so lazy to go out alone :|

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hot Air Balloon Festival Putrajaya 2012

It was quite a last minute plan of us. again. lol
since the crazy friends are longing to go so badly. so here we go....!
we lost at first and then finally reached the counter where ticket sold around 4+am.
Luckily we decided to go at 4am at last. the queue was so long and only 300 were sold at the morning session. :O 
all I feel is hungry and sleepy. Oh ya, and thanks for the breakfast from soo qing's friend. it means a lot. lol
Preparing the hot air balloon around 7am

showing off our tix after 3hours of waiting!
queuing up :D
let's go!

this is so cute like it's peeping at us :D
the view from top
credit to the abang. TEHEE
coming down 
spot the cute balloon.
There are many more activities such as rock climbing, helicopter joy ride (that cost you RM 130 per ride), paint ball, zorbing, mini motorbike, waterball which I wanted to try out so badly. But the weather is so hot and we are all exhausted from suffering the torment of these days by assignment submission and mid term. Like really devastated. mostly because of the shitty weather! 
I'm so going to try this out some day. Ya. someday. 
This is the 4th year of having Hot Air balloon festival in Putrajaya. It's worth for me. So, i would recommend you guys to go for it if you're free but not this year. H.Airballoon fest 2012 ends today. too bad.
So join it next year! 
* all the photos credited to Ivy chin and because of this she isn't in almost every pictures taken :( *

Mr Coconut's

The Big Boy of the day.
Spot the coconut head
Its been a while since we all like actually enjoying the moment we spent together.
and its good.
Great. Screw the problems. Forget about it.
Or actually I don't want to think about it.
I dont know. so now just let the pictures do the speaking. :D

ALL of us. but too bad captain didnt join! :(
me likey #random
happy family. ghee looks scary at the back :O
Many more ss photos that are not going to be shown. so that's it.
Hope you both enjoy the day! and thanks for the cooperation of singers at The Wings! haha
Happy Birthday in Advance jia hui jie. 
Dont emo and please share things with us.
World No.1 has the number 1 ability to help you solve the things and spirit number 1 to make you smile when you don't even realize you're smiling :)
I have only left like less than 2hours sleeping time.
Good night! 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


自小学四年级一直以来的死党,死党应该也不足以形容我们的关系了。好复杂,你不想知。。。 // 
她就是。。 传说中膨膨 !!!!
很可爱对不对?SORRY ~~ 人家名花有主了。
我心情不好她听我骂,心情好就陪我开心,上课时闷到发慌(尤其是上国语课)就算要听课也被我kacao 还是会应酬我。*强调她脾气超好的* 

就是小时候很流行的传信啦。明明就同班而且有些还是在上课时偷偷写完,然后信的结尾还写着 “是时候睡觉了,晚安妈在叫我睡觉之类的废话” 太搞笑了。

