
Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Lunar New Year 2012 - Dragonz

Happy Chinese New Year peepo!!!

I got no internet access in my home. 
so, CNY was too short for me! and we're having 3quizes in 3 consecutive days! :(
this is bad!!!!!
I IZ SAD :'(
Back to the cny stuff k...
first day of Chinese New Year before back to KB 
Mum is so cute! too bad dad refused to take one. 
back to KT right away on the second day. CNY is getting boring-ier year by year. do you think the same way as I think?  hmm.
Yes, once we get back. what you waiting for?! visiting friend's house everyday, on third, fourth and fifth day.
Winniw williams! :D
pongpong dyed her hair. I also want :(
ngan ngan   

Although this is a rly boring chinese new year w/o gambling and whatever (cause fyi i dont gamble) but still, I'm glad that we managed to meet up with winnie, vern and ngan love, srly  ♥ even we didn't meet up together, me and pongpong meet them one by one. this is funny. we were so tired as we already out in 3 consecutive days!
but then we still insisted, uphold.. 

proud of us. LOLOL

*Big sighhhhhhhh*
After all, 
had the moment with ze family,


and best friends.

I do enjoy every single of it. 
hearts ya all. many of you are going study abroad. 
stay strong and just have a little faith on yourself :)
we shall meet up someday again.

hmm. so ya that's it.
and I'm doing my god damn lab report. no holiday for us even there are holidays! stingy with the holiday you stupid uni!

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