
Saturday, August 20, 2011


FINALLY!! merdeka! merdeKA!! MERDEKA!
yea, final is finish finally. lol. got rhyme right.

enjoy! of course.
Vy jie jason they gangie went Genting for lee zong's bday. Happy Birthday Lee zong!! :D
enjoy yaself pls. :)
So yea, outing is a must! 
As you know, I'll getting alcohol foam right after i had alcohol.
If you dont, Ya i've had it last time when I had Kampai. dont laugh at me. im just allergic kay.
since my friends say maybe I just allergic to some alcohol. so I gave myself a second chance. but you disappointed me yap shu xin :(
Again, i feel this time is like x10000 times serious-ier. my hand swollen and reddish before we got back. 
the alcohol reacts real fast. my face was soooo red. but i didn't drunk. Oh yeah, we went to Overtime @ Pavilion. there's another @ Viva mall. 
there was just 5 of us little girl, so we didn't manage to finish all the beers for the promotion of buy 1 free 1 from dono what time to 7pm.
After 7pm, sooo many people. crowded.
enjoy it!! the very first time outing with mei mei and lulu. but lulu get back after the movie. so fast!  
rushing back to cheras and hometown.
such an adventurous day for her to back cheras all the way by her own. oops.
   Celebrated Eve's birthday too. me and Ivy went earlier to buy present for our friends. end up we bought 'present' for ourselves. LOL.
Hope she likes the present! 
damn cute 
Angel came to overnight afterward.
Angel : Im cool!
me : Gimme that! Angel : nah!
Me : woah im cool too! :D

LOL. looks at the third one. epic!

heheheh x)
Happy! :D
too happy? XD

cause she's my angel :)

and i love him! 
oops sorry angel. this is too cute! =D
We laughed out loud like ROFL! lol. luckily nobody's home. and then, too tired to study.
so i probably fail my ce final. LOL.
ohemgee. i looks so damn pale right now. and i haven't pack. im coming home babehhh. Oh yeah~~~
Nights people. enjoy your sem break. 

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