
Monday, August 29, 2011


I'm so happy that finally today we had a little gathering at ngan's house :))
finally! it was months ago the last time i met ngan and vern. Aww, i miss it. but too bad winnie is still at kl.and vern was in rush. 5b. LOLLL
I went out for whole day long.(feel bad guilty sorry)  
AT LEAST, there were not so many cars today like the days before.
The queues of cars were insane. sooooo many i can die! jam everywhere! and it's tomorrow Hari Raya, new year of malays (i think so). 
will be going Kuantan this wed and off to KL soon. D: im so gonna miss here. 
result is released. just some of it.
i did so bad.
and.. my hair is really f.l.a.t i cant stand it. 
my hardisk is not with me. dono what drama to watch. feeling so lifeless yet i dont feel like leaving kt so soon. :'(
just some updates cause i'm really excited that finally can meet them ! tehee.
meet them too later. its really hard to get all of us to gathering.
i really do hope its on that day. 
hope hope hopeee 

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