
Monday, August 29, 2011


I'm so happy that finally today we had a little gathering at ngan's house :))
finally! it was months ago the last time i met ngan and vern. Aww, i miss it. but too bad winnie is still at kl.and vern was in rush. 5b. LOLLL
I went out for whole day long.(feel bad guilty sorry)  
AT LEAST, there were not so many cars today like the days before.
The queues of cars were insane. sooooo many i can die! jam everywhere! and it's tomorrow Hari Raya, new year of malays (i think so). 
will be going Kuantan this wed and off to KL soon. D: im so gonna miss here. 
result is released. just some of it.
i did so bad.
and.. my hair is really f.l.a.t i cant stand it. 
my hardisk is not with me. dono what drama to watch. feeling so lifeless yet i dont feel like leaving kt so soon. :'(
just some updates cause i'm really excited that finally can meet them ! tehee.
meet them too later. its really hard to get all of us to gathering.
i really do hope its on that day. 
hope hope hopeee 

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Boredom. that's all I want for sem break. :D
Oh. i had my hair cut. A little regret what I did to my hair. 
oh sorry Hair, shouldnt have treated you like this. you must be burned and losing temper to become flat..... 
really flattttt 
wrong face expression. should be very sad :C
I cut my bang and rebond my top of hair. cause its too messy but seems like i just got it screwed.
so flattttt and weird. real weird D:

If you're following my blog, you know right. I've been wanted to have a pair of heels for crazy. and i found one at Vincci. 
yep! fell in love with that. I even cant fall sleep last night cause I was thinking whether should i buy it or not. LOL. laugh at myself. 
however it is really pricey. still in dilemma @@
ignore me. okay.
AND. im really really down. even myself find that i really gained.
ughh.. my mum my friends my maid! and myself.. told me. that i really gained weight. 
i never know how to fling the kilograms?!
Mum just asked me why my thigh has became so wide. 
ya, my lower part of body is appear to be bigger in size. believe or not? 
No im not gonna show you la! HAHA
My family decided not going kl already. 
its been long time since my family gather together for vacation. i miss my third house Holiday Villa. :'( i miss those bonding session.
sisters are busy with studies and $$. lol. i get it. i need $$ all the time too. lol
SO. it also means that i gotta go back by BUS again by myself. ughhhh fml/
7hours journey without music. just keep sleeping and waking up and check where was I and sleep again. my buttock also senget =x
No shopping to lil sis. haha.
but we're still going Kuantan i guess? aww. when was the last time i went there? i dont even remember!
used to have my braces thingy there. and so we'll go there every month.
and I'm able to see a lot of kt-ians there. cause its the nearest city to shop and kia kia.
and then I was like : Eh! why are you here?!' when i see my friends there. 
actually I know I'll see many friends there.
since that kt dont have any shopping malls, cinemas, cetera. bla bla.
its regular to see kt-ians at kuantan especially on Friday, Ktn will be flooded with cars everywhere with the car plate T_ _ XXXX 
ok. nonsense and bullshit. im too bored.
Finished another drama - Cinderella's sister. 
i got this for like N years ago. but i didnt even feel like starting it. so yeah i did and finished it.

she always runs in this

cute right!? ya tacyeon in this drama too! but too bad not the leading role
Oh, he's the leading role. he's cute when he smile :P
Overall, it's not bad cause i cried much much tears of this drama. lol.
the story line is so saddening. seriously. and many many taichi. make me so pek cek when watching it. 
making me watch like crazy. my maid was shocked by me when i bath at 5am before i go for bed. At that time, she was awake to ready for her fasting. XD
and someone can tell me why i couldnt download my Spy Myung Wol ? T_____T
want to watch it so badly.
sem break = movie time 

Sunday, August 21, 2011


今天就打华语吧 。这叫得空没事做
今天开始消了点肿 但双脚开始红斑了,全身都很痒痒痒 
我的妈呀 T_______T
终于, 我自由了!!!
终于可以放纵自己。什么都不用理,不用管。爸妈都生病了 :'(  得空还是得下店帮帮忙
但想到成绩就有点担心啊 管他的。迟点再担心也不迟,不要毁了我假期木
家永远是让我充电的地方♥  真舒服!

十天就得回去了. 我不要~~~~
昨晚把醉后决定爱上你赶完啦! :D (还看到5点凌晨,结果妈知道了,留下车叫我醒了自己下区。呵呵)
这部戏超搞笑的! :D

这部是继‘命中注定我爱你’后我看的另一套连续剧。赞!! 而且是同一位导演的戏 =D


Saturday, August 20, 2011


FINALLY!! merdeka! merdeKA!! MERDEKA!
yea, final is finish finally. lol. got rhyme right.

enjoy! of course.
Vy jie jason they gangie went Genting for lee zong's bday. Happy Birthday Lee zong!! :D
enjoy yaself pls. :)
So yea, outing is a must! 
As you know, I'll getting alcohol foam right after i had alcohol.
If you dont, Ya i've had it last time when I had Kampai. dont laugh at me. im just allergic kay.
since my friends say maybe I just allergic to some alcohol. so I gave myself a second chance. but you disappointed me yap shu xin :(
Again, i feel this time is like x10000 times serious-ier. my hand swollen and reddish before we got back. 
the alcohol reacts real fast. my face was soooo red. but i didn't drunk. Oh yeah, we went to Overtime @ Pavilion. there's another @ Viva mall. 
there was just 5 of us little girl, so we didn't manage to finish all the beers for the promotion of buy 1 free 1 from dono what time to 7pm.
After 7pm, sooo many people. crowded.
enjoy it!! the very first time outing with mei mei and lulu. but lulu get back after the movie. so fast!  
rushing back to cheras and hometown.
such an adventurous day for her to back cheras all the way by her own. oops.
   Celebrated Eve's birthday too. me and Ivy went earlier to buy present for our friends. end up we bought 'present' for ourselves. LOL.
Hope she likes the present! 
damn cute 
Angel came to overnight afterward.
Angel : Im cool!
me : Gimme that! Angel : nah!
Me : woah im cool too! :D

LOL. looks at the third one. epic!

heheheh x)
Happy! :D
too happy? XD

cause she's my angel :)

and i love him! 
oops sorry angel. this is too cute! =D
We laughed out loud like ROFL! lol. luckily nobody's home. and then, too tired to study.
so i probably fail my ce final. LOL.
ohemgee. i looks so damn pale right now. and i haven't pack. im coming home babehhh. Oh yeah~~~
Nights people. enjoy your sem break. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


miss roomate is back to hometown. i'm alone and bored left one more subject in this freaking room. HOMESICK :'(
envy envy envy! ughh
gonna go Hot hot for sure. not malay food because it is fasting month. i miss Nasi Minyak!!
and definitely Zie's corner. tehee! 
i'll be back for just around 10days. T____________T

Finished Calculus. i dont grasp that i can get A+ or even A for it. shit.
so worry about my result this semester. Oh please at least get A for any subject.
now only i realized the importance of internal marks. got ruined by it. regret doesnt change anything though.
Try my best for CE this friday!
then gonna ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY. i dont care. 
Bbq plaza, Badminton. Movie, Dramasss! overtime maybe? whatever shit here i come :D 
I write what i think and pop out of my mind right away. 
So, tweets! less blogging. oops. 
but that's not my point.
what I'm trying to say is, please. think before you talk ( or do something)
use your're a human being. what for you born with it?
You might hurt someone and this is a serious matter by putting all of us in crisis! and yourself.
gonna haunt you down! Rawwr. (you know right, im BORED)
good luck to myself
p/s:怎么钱永远永远不够用啊 !!! :(((

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Im back

I've been neglecting my blog.oops.
pretty busy those days, and then got no internet! and now, im having my final.
As you usual, you know. shit.i mean my papers. i wonder if i could get a A out of 5 subjects. 

Just back from miss rhou's new house. :) 
not going to touch my book today. tomorrow and monday will do for the Calculus. im here to take you dowwwwnnn!
Hmmph, i think i'll  balt when i get finish my final. quite stressed out. Ugh
yes im madly insane!!
Why the heck is wrong with my lappy? lag lag dei.
3down, 2more to go! 
Gambatehhh Ush!