
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

degree isn't fun!

It's the third day since the uni has reopen.
Ivy, Caven, Wenjie and me have been walked to North wing for three days. more more and more days to go...
im so bored with it. And I've always been sweating like shit half way. -__- 
Grrrrrr.I think I'm gonna get even darker soon! shit
we can barely find Chinese there. but ya there are three whom taking chem engin too.
LiJing. SooQing ang ChuanHung :) 
Jocelyn taking Calculus and Chem1 with us this sem. due to some so called 'technical problems'. poor her. lol
Fyi, this sem is a short semester for us in degree, first sem first year and we're having short sem. kinda tough for me.
cause it'll be a really harsh and rush sem. 
left 6 weeks for us to study, and we'll be having tests, midterms, assignments of two of these subjects simultaneously every week! 2 lab report submission on a week some more :'(
finish ptptn briefing and had lunch with the gangie. Awww i miss them so so much!
I'm really happy to see them after so long ( ya quite long right? ) haha.
maybe its good in the other way that we didn't get bored with each other since we do not have same classes every day. lol. at least we still misses each other? hope so!
went out with Kopi and Ivy right after the day i came back from hometown.
Midvalley IT fair! bought a mp3 with Rm29.90! but i still lack of memory card. 
going to buy one at pc fair soon.
Went klcc book fest another day, Ivy the number one fans of Giddens manages to get his signature after those difficulties and hardships. lol
He has sense of humour. You'll never get bored when listening to his talk. :D funny. 
and then i found out that i have amazing energy! LOL we were totally exhausted. the book fest was so BIG.
I felt like fainting at any time when listening to him. but we managed to wait for him to finish his craps in the crowds.oops. 
His virgin movie, You are the apple of my eye will be on theater at 20 Novemver!

Finally those photos were up and now lemme show you the photos of the day. Overtime  @ Pavilion!

giant me! :((
5 of us! lulu left earlier to back to hometown
we were sooo RED. just two of us. its a good thing right?


I lose in the last game. I got dared D:
Its too late and dangerous for 5 little girls to back home late. so off we go. before that, camwore again. in the ladies room, as usual. tehee.
aunty at behind geh si geh si wan in camera =x
Im sober kay! stop saying me drunk :P
Sing k mood on! 
and my heels.....

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