
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hey there peeps,
Emo emo =(  my chem mid term was shit ! idk im stupid/ lazy! its just seems like the revision is not helping at all. so so so worried about chem n bio. hoping tht im nt going to fail 'em. REALLY .Otokeh?? >:(   Arghh fan nao fan nao pls go away ...

i was dragged by kopi to Timesquare today after the stupid idiot effing mid term of gen chem2. cause i was so emo. she din take my words. 'i don have money ..'i meant it! and i bought a necklace & a dress(i guess) . Great! and nw im REAL BROKE. cause i love both of 'em at my first sight Hehe, and worth. Rm10 n Rm25 . =DD
however, really pleased after that. Jason, angel, eve & Kopi =)

Sorry my hp is too crappy. 
new battery of my hp is crappy too.hp ran out of battery AGAIN. == The others pixies are at kopi there. so just angel here. haha. Oh ya btw, we saw Nicole David for the squash competition at ts! din take photo with her =(

the first outing of mine without movie. LOL  we paid a visit to the freaking bowling there. So many malays there. i will neva step a foot in there again. and the stupid lane problem. keep lagging but we get a new lane (game) anyway . Eee, sweetchat for a break instead of chatime. chatime was fulled. We could get a buy 1 free 1 offer everyday after 9pm O_O so lateee.Neemind, i will get u someday !

Thanks for the forcing Kopi n u guys =] i feel relieved. I do appreciate u my friends. Yes, YOU  the one who's reading this. everyone one of u .. who help me through the sorrows and we share our happiness together.. hope that I could remember every memories of us until my teeth are all fall. i hope to figure all the things out faster, but nt too hasty. =(  i will miss u my roomate Miss F  if i move out =((

byeee :'(