
Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ok, my bad. maybe i am a lil superabundance? Maybe i shouldnt have go out so often.. maybe i should do instead of keep craping. Okk BUT i just cant deny that the outing ytd was awesome ! with the bunch of piglets. we crap like we used to . fun fun! (pic pls refer to fb :P) and i finally buy myself a bag Wohoo~ :DD its a lil too small for me, cz i like to bring my stuff-umbrealla, bottle all tht along with me. i love it though  agree pongpong? :P


sorry but i have to say that : IM BROKE NOW DD: 
my college friends are going to sing k nex week! =(( How?? in dilemma again! maybe out? maybe no out. since i have no money. SERIOUSLY n final is super duper around the corner  starts on 7th ! @@  Ok so maybe its a No ! hope i can resist the temptation , u knw hw much i want to sing k rightttt , WHY IS NEX WEEK U GUYS ! =(  and that the last outing in this sem. shit..the difficult opt ever!
Maybe its time for me to off my pc n go study now == lol  

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So I've changed my program to Chemical Engineering. I mean i will be taking chem engineering for my degree. will i regret ?? i hope NO. People tell me, if u have make up ur mind, just stick with it. Yes, i will. But it's just that .. I will be taking 5 subjects next sem; too much for me with Calculus damn. Calculus, Gen Physics, Intro to Business, Accounting and CE -CC004. CE.. WHAT?! again.. yeah so im taking cs for white this sem. (白拿) == 5subjects in this sem too.wasting my time man !wth. Haisehhh.with the lecturer somemore !!  hate it.

please please pongpong ling don ffk me again. u 3 have been ffk me for so many times dy.So pweeaseee. i need u pongpong.

 i no mood liaw =(
 feeling like sick again. no thanks , i don need to be sick right now. final n everything . is here. so close nwww. I have to try my BEST BEST BEST to make my cgpa highER. Ok ? gambateh to myself n all of u guys. College life is tough kay, so stop saying me nt taking it serious you JASIKA  I am serious about it, its my future. i knw what im doing so shut the hell up =x  screw u. u're just the same with me

Okay, im calm now.let's continue

I will miss u guys so muchieee!  Angel, Eve, Kopi, Jason Jiahui, Peighee n Chiavern.. ='( we'll still having some same classes next sem. i will be taking accounting n ce alone ! :(  

do help me ivy, in the future. i need ya baby ! =)

Luckily we have our malacca trip on next sem , hope it will be fun ! or should i hope it jadi 1st? haha. whatever..

Lab report to rush 1st.. =/ see, my life cant run outta these science thingys anymore.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hey there peeps,
Emo emo =(  my chem mid term was shit ! idk im stupid/ lazy! its just seems like the revision is not helping at all. so so so worried about chem n bio. hoping tht im nt going to fail 'em. REALLY .Otokeh?? >:(   Arghh fan nao fan nao pls go away ...

i was dragged by kopi to Timesquare today after the stupid idiot effing mid term of gen chem2. cause i was so emo. she din take my words. 'i don have money ..'i meant it! and i bought a necklace & a dress(i guess) . Great! and nw im REAL BROKE. cause i love both of 'em at my first sight Hehe, and worth. Rm10 n Rm25 . =DD
however, really pleased after that. Jason, angel, eve & Kopi =)

Sorry my hp is too crappy. 
new battery of my hp is crappy too.hp ran out of battery AGAIN. == The others pixies are at kopi there. so just angel here. haha. Oh ya btw, we saw Nicole David for the squash competition at ts! din take photo with her =(

the first outing of mine without movie. LOL  we paid a visit to the freaking bowling there. So many malays there. i will neva step a foot in there again. and the stupid lane problem. keep lagging but we get a new lane (game) anyway . Eee, sweetchat for a break instead of chatime. chatime was fulled. We could get a buy 1 free 1 offer everyday after 9pm O_O so lateee.Neemind, i will get u someday !

Thanks for the forcing Kopi n u guys =] i feel relieved. I do appreciate u my friends. Yes, YOU  the one who's reading this. everyone one of u .. who help me through the sorrows and we share our happiness together.. hope that I could remember every memories of us until my teeth are all fall. i hope to figure all the things out faster, but nt too hasty. =(  i will miss u my roomate Miss F  if i move out =((

byeee :'(

Sunday, March 13, 2011

MovieS time

Heeheee. went to Midvalley for Burlesque this friday. yeshhh! Finally watched it. And IT WAS AWESOME ! Christina Aguilera, she can really sings. i mean she is AWESOME . right ?? oh gosh n she's hot babeh ! i love her. such a pretty.

must watch this , seriously !
  she does really slims down ! me likey. :D 

with hot guy- Cam Gigandet in the movie ♥
 Btw, the guys is the one who had the role of 'James' in Twilight movie.

Gosh, big difference huh ? :O 
the little creepy vamp turns into a price . lol
Yeah so u must watch it if u haven't . another two were The Adjustment Bureau & I am number four. must must watch 'em if u have no idea what to watch in cinema.these r the recommended by me . trust me :P
drama the next, DREAMHIGH ! guys, watch it !!and i want Secret Garden ... :/

Bio bio, kill mehhh. >=(   now its Chem turn. i have to complete my chem n algebra notes TODAY ! okay?? okay?? hope so :(  and tmr i have to submit ms assignment part tht we were assigned to our leader. 咖啡组长 .- >>>   !!  totally 4gt about it. Shit.

Bye ♥

Friday, March 11, 2011


Just get off from my way everyone. Beware if u get Boom by me.. sorry for that.

I just felt everything is so wrong...

Im not in the mood right now. Bio. phailed ! i hope i won fail it, seriously. maybe i need to relax myself ? but im scared i will get it too easy after that. what i want is just a balance stressing life lol. whatever it called.

outta here. Ciao

Monday, March 7, 2011

I Lobff Jay !


OH MY GOD i cant believe peek really touched his hand !! Omggg my heart broken into pieces n jz get stamped T.T  the day his second round concert i was at malacca listening to Ji Lang Ji Pua. so saddddd !!! ;(
Talking about Malacca,
yeah i went there on the weekend as i said. Overall is good . i still worry about tht b4 i go. I finally tried the layer cake ?  izit called layer cake ? idk LOL ! sorry for that.
its not this '9 layers cake' kay ?? ==
Its Nadeje!! U knw right ??? tell me u knw. If u don't, lemme introduce u nw.
Nadeje only at Malacca
u guys must go there to try out all of the cakes there if u go to Malacca.SEROIUSLY. i mean the thousand layer cakes. cz i heard the cake - like cheese cake or whatever the usual type of cake is nt very nice. Opps sowiee =x
But neemind ur layer cakes are superbb ! :D i mean Fantabulous,extremely. there has only 2 branches of it, only at Malacca. i was like WTH ? only found at malacca but nt kl? but i heard there is this kind of layer cakes sold at pj area too * nt fantabulous like this one :P (frm what i heard la) * Ok okayyy, here u go some pictures of the ho chiak one. :DD  get from google

the tiramisu is ♥ and so do the original one =))

Oh goshhh i make myself hungry, LOL . its just so great.and we went twice in 2days. HAHA. we were freak ! tried Malacca, Cheese (was a lil too sour cause of the lemon ), Tiramisu and a forgotten name - Mocha whatever cake. haha.  Malacca and Cheese are " not my piece of cake" LOL ! and those pictures are at my sister there. her camera ran out of battery on the 1st day, not much of pics taken though.

Bought a cooler pad n hard disc by the help of kingkong low. thank you kingkong. n im broke nowww ~  will be having two lab reports to rush this week. for god's sake! =(
BIO MID TERM on thurday !!!! ARGHHHH gonna kisiao soon. >>:((((

loving my cute ribbon dangler frm diva! =]
Btw, i bcum darker after bck frm Malacca!!!! so damn sad !!!! ='( i already so dark lorrrr . hao bu rong yi fairer . at least a lil bit laaa =((  HAIHHHHH !


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

being lazy is a sin

IM really lazy to update.. -lazy to update my blog. lazy to study, lazy to do everything except from play game and watch drama . Hehe :P  According to Rhourhou, im being so hardworking of playing game. HAHA lmao. she's funny

Okay. talking about the drama. im recently watching a Korean drama ! *again* whatever~ it is DREAMHIGH ! ya. such a great drama. but now i stop myself from watching ! cause i've been so 'hardworking' according to Rhourhou and scary from miss f. and im having tons of works to do, so i hesitate. din take the others frm my fren *actually is waiting for the finale* haha I could watch it for whole day. that's what i did for the whole day long of my sunday. i started it frm satuday night n i couldn't stop myself until 5.30am i jz went to slp. and so happened on my lovely sunday. i woke up 4pm ! first time in my life. this is real ! i never sleep over 1pm, seriously. omg, after i woke up, watch again until 3.30am cz have class on another day, that's how i spent my weekends. REGRET !=( i could do mickle of stuff that i planned to. but, this is awesome seriously!gosh. u guys should really watch it ! =) its a drama about dream. everyone in drama have a story behind of them. there were many actors in the drama. Miss A ,IU, T-ara,2pm !  

And Nichkunnnnn ! but jz a scene in episode 8. neemind. im satisfied ! :DD

isn't he cute ? :DD
btw, i went out with my college fren on fri. lady outing again.Yeahhh we had so muchhh fun! i enjoyed it.!this is the first time i hang out with 'em. u girls made my day ! ;D we should have it again.
gave the pretty, Angel a surprise of her birthday on 28 feb, how lucky of her. if she was born on 29 , thn she'll has her birthday 4years a time. :/  and same to Janet ! surprise for her outside her hse at 12am! =))

tht is just a Wall's ice cream la little girl, c how fascinated she was. :D
 I want secret garden !!! * so random* HAHA cause i jz got to knw that Nichkun is the protagonist in the drama ! =x fine im outdated. but who cares ! i jz wanna tht drama plsss anybody ??? =((

and now, time to study FIRST. Arrrrhhh. same thing tht i wan to say . u knw right. assignements, mid termmmsss. >:( 