
Thursday, December 30, 2010


My results suck! OMG!! its like reallyreally suck! Haih.. im totally down right now. idk what i did in 1whole sem. this is not enough for me :((
Cause these r the most easiet subjects in my whole foundation ady. I still have Chemis2. Bio1, Bio2 and Physics waiting to kill me. OMGGG!! I am so gonna die. totally.
wish me luck ppl

Saturday, December 25, 2010

having Korean Drama flu

Fyi, im having ma sem break now. so freeee~ like a bird :D  hate to go bck there. Lonliness can really kill. like... Oops, no offense =x one more week left for me to be a bird. i mean free. not that bird . lol
uhumm.back to the topic. and bcz of my sem break, i have plenty of time to finish all the dramass that i have earlier. Yahooo ~ come & have a look drama im falling into right now.
First, 成均馆绯闻. My god this is super duper nice! i could even give 10 out of 10 :DD So yeahh this is really a must watch drama. i mean it
cause this is a sarang♥ drama so i guess most of the girls will love this. kinda sure ;)

the actress in drama is so pretty!
some scenes in the drama

and finally they 're in love ♥


 couldn't resist his cuteness

tell u wat, girls choose to watch a drama by looking at the actor/actress 1st. mayb only me?? :P  

and the second drama is 我的女友是九尾狐!! :)
i think concept of this drama is quite interesting , it attracts me! creative =] and im loving the theme song

hoyi hoyi =D

this girl is cute too

go mi ho! 九尾狐

watch me ^^
 going to finish my go mi ho . buhbye :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I have nothing to blog about my hometown - Kuala Terengganu.
as you knew, kt is a boring place. i knw i knw. u want to say kt don hav cinema, malls or what so ever. * damn it really is* but i still love ma kt . Who don't? =)

nothing special . Just the way it suppose to be, the first few days was like super hot! and now super cold .Raining cats & dogs all the time. outing with ma friends. loving it.! no stress no study no homework. but all of these r coming bck soon..
Am so so so scare of my result!!!  and some other things are bothering me :(

and and! i am consider to dye ma hair! :D im thinking about for so long already.! wan dye or not? which colour?when to do it? do it at whr? Waow~ so many stupid ques . fyi, this is me. i ask a lot of ques. Hee :D

so that 's all. another outing later at oldtown..with the beloved winnie and NGAN NGAN!miss they both so much! too bad pongpong n py cant join us, if not it will be much more fun :(  

Love u ma friends =}

hope no rain . please =3

Thursday, December 16, 2010

laughters :D

Finish ma finals last subject, damn ips on tuesday 14/12 off to sunway straight away v fion for jeeyen(carrot? dono what fruit to gv u) apple and banana  :) decided to go sing k at Neway but 5 of us is nt worth for the taxi. and me n fion hav to get bck to sunway again so.. Redbox is our second choice =x but then the price is ... and SO....
NO KARAOKE is really sad!
but then we entertaint ourselves with the talkcock and craps in Zanmai's haha. went to Pasta Zanmai for dessert and Sushi Zanmai for dinner! took some pictures but not with me =/ after the Kt-ian time,  here comes the Ucsi -ian time.
we overnight at Sun inn jz nearby Sunway Pyramid. and it is quite exp! :( and thn sing k session at Redbox untill 3am -.-  my purse is bleeding. but we had alotsa fun there.

See, we all were like -.- face. tired!
 and the other day we were so so so tired.! but we have flight back to kt :D hafta wake up so early. we all just slept for like 2hours!

Camwhore at lcct startbucks

this is what you will have if you jz slept for only 2hours

spec to cover the panda eyes @@
  Joanne meet us after that

lenglui Joanne =)
I enjoy my first sem at Ucsi. of course thanks to SEEKHAI a lot a lot a lot ! love u. and
glad that i have my kt-ian lovely friends here, Noif An of course! joanne, boonshin =)
and the main point  is . i met a bunch of idoits genius here. they are friendly, nice, playful (we played until like idiots sometimes =D) but at another point they 're so smart, so they're like Genius right? =/

Henry,  Angela, Ah Kiat, Serene, Marcus, Kokyuan , Bianbian .Glad that I have u all around =')

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I want to back home! :((((    Countdown - 4 days left
OH YEAH ~~ who will be around that time pls kindly find me out ! =]
Hiak hiak. miss ma home so much
cute right?

and i miss ma beddddddddddddd! T.T

of course this is not my bed

chemis kick my ass off :'( and i still have maths and ips waiting to kill me.
keep me alive pls T.T
yeah~ this is what i suppose to study right now. so.. Buai~

Thursday, December 9, 2010


IM totally not in the mood of blogging but idk y im still blogging nw =S
cause having so many feelings right now. Had so much fun in this week with the monkeys and we met up with jizai , aw, lemoz zai and PEEK ! u knw peek right? so u knw how much fun we had . =D

here u go the pictures we took

Kt-ians *so happy that we finally meet up guys  C=

ucsi-ians. so called kt-ians fren -.- STOP LA PLS

we were like monkeys in sunway! psps :$

This was the another outing v Bian bian, ky , Fion and Rhou2 at Tq=]
But then many things make me so vexed and distressed! fml ;(
gonna have chemis tmr. wish me luck. i really really hafta continue my revision. even im nt in the mood ! faster change another mood pls yapsx!

suddenly ma hair like grow so much ady. this is the only thing that makes me happy :/
Many things in ma head now. this is driving me insane. who save me please?  =(

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ya, i love alot .which girls don't right? :D am shop for Cny , im nt that kind of rich girl who can buy new shirts whenever u like just for full up the closet  or when the mood of shopping is on !  i wish to be that though. who don't wish can buy shirts as u like, but im contented bcz i hav a HAPPY FAMILY , that enough for me =]

Okay, bck to the topic. yesterday we went to Berjaya Times Square. and there is full of X'mass decorations. & of course we took photos with Rhourhou's hp. She dont want like to take photo. but i didn't get any photos of that ><
And the shopping is quite satisfying, bought what I've planned to, so its satiate and quench :P
but pity to the guys, Bian bian and kok yuan.They keep waitin and waitin whn we went into some girls shop, u knw.But afterall, everybody buy their shirts. its all the matters *CLAPS*
I bought myself some clothes too of course . *But Fion says I like buy without thinking =[  I do*

quite blur bcz of my crappy phone :( *ignore my not-ready face 
nt this skirt , too bad :'( i like it! but its too short for ME . looks ok whn standing, its like when u sit then...  nothing left. Get me, girls? haha

and buy myself nail polish too! YAY, wish to buy this for like months already

I bought the color of my thumbnail. dark blue. nt black okay ar loo! haha.
after that just i found out that my sis went there too, on the same day same place , we didn't meet each other =/

Lastly this is for u, silly

Many paterns lah u

Chemis is up coming soon, few days time left. Gambateh! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


OMG!! Now thn i got the OMGEXAMISCOMING feeling. My GAWD!!!

I am so worry about that laaa :(  HAIH!! everything is like upset me right now. Life spin my head right round right round ~~ Wth
Pening! But then, this is life . what else can i do? just yield and try to do my best on everything. how i wish i can change myself.. I hate myself * but don't worry, i won't commit*

When study get bored, this is what we do SKYPE =]

Why r u so happy ah kee? XD

Smile even we all r in predicament kay ? =}

Stupid chou dou fu :P
but there's some errors to upload the pics, so.. idk y :(
u must be happy of that loo py! i knw u well HAHA
but neemind, those pics r blurry after all =/

Time for P.Moral !! Tata =C

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Yes. i can feel ur love! =}
Studying stupid Moral. meanwhile, i can feel ur
P.Moral is like cant finish forver. HOW ABOUT MALAYSIAN STUIES ON NEXT SEM? :(  i feel like my OMGEXAMISCOMING mood is stil not on. still, i have to study .Phmmm~ hafta continue my revision.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

SHIT happens all the time

Okay. Finals is coming. SO SOON! wth? what did i do in these few days?

Feeling so shit. :(

until i can be a SHIT KING!

YAY!! King shit . lol
Oh yeah. 'an eye for an eye ... ' is actually has nothing to do with the just pop out on my mind from the P.Moral . yeah~ m goin to have my moral exam. on 2nd dec!!! >:(

Gambateh gambateh! struggling*

Friday, November 26, 2010


feeling much more better after lol ;)

Aww. the ocean is so nice! feeling like go to Redang!! who's on? :))

but too bad . i don't swim :(  Don't ask me to try. i tried! many times. u don't understand! except for Fion . who alomost drown twice too :D *nt laughing at u, jz glad that somebody knws that feeling too. Hee

see! the greenish blue is really comforting right? nice!!

nice pic!

Wish could go there someday! !
Pheww. feeling relief now . loosen but nt too relax, FINALS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! Gambateh!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Les meilleurs amis! ♥

Miss my friends so much!!!
i have one in my room all over the time though* ;)

菲哦娜 胃酸经 <3
 Still i miss u all so muchies! :(  miss ngan ngan the most. whr the hell have u been?!

She's pretty right? :)
No man is an island. i get that now . fast! bring me back to the high school  time! i miss tat time the most :'( 

Miss our uniform.
*cant bliv i will miss this stupid uniform! HAHA 

and ar chan & ar loo for sure ;)

of course nt to forget the 'Wenne Welliams' ! XD

But then i MISS U THE MOST , PONG PONG LING AKA HENCE PEIs LINGs ! okay okay. i knw u want to say u nt pong anymore. u 're kepek nw. okay~ kepek ling!!! =)

WHAT? don bliv i call u kepek ling?

still rmb we used to gossip in the class. i always asked u to cubit me on kama's class! *his class is really suffering haha
How i wish i could at kt nw. i can go to ur hse and chit-chat until hours!! many things to share with u. Nobody nobody but you~ HAHA
pong pong ling.. opps. kepek ling! must date me out whn we both at kl . nex year i guess :(
Keep in touch ya :*